The certified nursing assistant schools that located in Denver City, Texas are all shown here. To find out more, please contact the program or go to their address during working hours.
Children of the Pioneers CNA Course
315 Mustang,
Denver City, TX 79323
One of the requirements to be a nursing assistant is to complete a CNA training program that has been approved by the TX Department of Health. You must undergo training there if you wish to be able to take the license exams and be eligible to work in long term care facilities and hospitals. This rule is waived if you are a nursing student or have completed a training program from a different state. This is also applicable to those that had some training as a medic in the military.
Once you have completed the class requirement you will want to schedule a date to take the license exams. You can contact (NACES) or the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services to find the nearest testing location at 1-800-444-5178 or (512) 467-0615 to get the latest details. The test itself has two parts a skills demonstration exam and a 70 question multiple choice test. You have three chances to pass both portions before you need to retake your class training. Those who pass become certified nurse aides for a 24 month period.
Those who successfully complete the examination will receive their certificate within four to six weeks. Those who become certified can check the status of their license at any time by calling 1-800-452-3934. The automated system will ask for your social security number for verification of your identity. If you are currently registered as a nursing assistant in a different state with a current status you may transfer to Texas by applying for reciprocity. To process your transfer you will need to submit DADS-required documentation and meet applicable federal laws.
Denver City is a town that is located in Yoakum County. It is only a few miles from the border of New Mexico. As of the latest census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 3,985 residents and a population density of 1,594.5/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 2.5 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care providers and clinics that are located in the area include Dialysis Services of West Texas, West Texas Medical Center, St Mary Healthcare Centers, Ych Specialty Clinic, West Texas Centers for MHMR-Yoakum Mental Health Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom