The nurse aide schools in DeFuniak Springs, Florida that are listed below provide all the instruction that you can enroll in as of the moment. For more information about class room CNA training, call the number below.
Walton Career Development Center
761 North 20th Street
DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433
(850) 892-1240
Those who desire to be employed as a nursing assistant in Florida must go through proper training and pass the state run examination. Before you are eligible for the exams you must meet several requirements. A few of these are passing criminal background checks, and completing a course approved by the state. Generally classes will provide hands on skills practice using common procedures and techniques used in medical facilities. In addition to that students will receive theoretical training in a classroom environment to help prepare for the exams and working under the direction of nurses.
Once you have finished the course you can set a date to try and pass the license examination. Before you can take the tests you must provide an ID card with photo, fingerprint cards, copy of your school transcripts, and payment for the background checks. The test is broken in to two parts. These are a 60 multiple choice question test and a skills evaluation. The skills test will challenge you to perform 5 skills chosen at random. One must pass both parts to receive certification and admission on to the nurse aide registry for a period of two years. The license exams in Florida are administered by a company called Prometric, and you can learn more about their testing process by visiting their site at
This city is a part of Walton County. It is also the seat of the county. According to the census of 2004, their total population was at 5,141 people. It has a total area of approximately 11.2 square miles and a population density of 450.4/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find within the city area include Healthmark Rural Health Clinic, Healthmark Home Health Agency, Resources for Human Development, Fresenius Medical Care, Gateway Medical Clinic-Crestview, Dfs Walk In Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: udalumni