The schools and education centers that provide training to become a nursing assistant in Cumberland, Maryland that are listed below are all the classes that are open for enrollment. If you have any questions about their classes, program curriculum, certification requirements, or tuition fees, please call the training facility number below.
Devlin Manor Health Care Ctr
10301 Christie Road
Cumberland, MD 21502
(301) 724-1400
Lions Center Nursing & Rehab Center
901 Seton Drive Ext
Cumberland, MD 21502
(301) 722-6272
Joseph D. Brandenberg Center
PO Box 1722
Cumberland, MD 21501
(301) 777-225
Thomas P. Finan Center
10102 Country Club Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21501-1722
(301) 777-2200
For you to become a certified nursing assistant in the State of Maryland, you must first complete one of the training programs that are listed above. Before a program is allowed to accept any students, it must first comply with both the federal and state’s requirements. Students who completed their training from a program that is not approved by the state will not be allowed to apply for the license exams afterwards. You will need at least a total of 100 hours’ worth of lectures and clinical experiences. Most programs will last from two months up to six.
Nursing students either from the state or a different country may also apply for the exams if they are able to provide the different requirements. One of the most important things to have when applying is to be able to show proof of the education and training that they received. You should also pass both the federal and state background checks. You must also submit a completed application, obtain the Criminal History Record Check, pay the fee to be eligible to receive your certification. Once you receive you license you will also be listed in the online registry and will need to renew your active status every 2 years. This renewal fee is currently set at $40.00 every 2 years.
If you finished a training program that is outside of the state, you may still work as a nursing assistant if you apply for reciprocity. When applying, they must provide their valid nursing aide certificate as well as pass the background exams in order to apply. If they no longer have any certificates, then the applicant will need to have documents that will prove of his/her training.You can call 410-585-1990 to speak with a representative of the Maryland Board of Nursing to see if you qualify.
This city is the county seat of Allegany County. It is also a primary city of the Cumberland, MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. This metropolitan area is considered to be one of the poorest in the country. It rank 305th out of 318 metropolitan areas. This city is also known as “Queen City” and was once considered to be the state’s second largest city. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 20,859 people. It has a total area of 9.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
The Western Maryland Regional Medical Center and Thomas B. Finan Center are the main hospitals that are serving the city. Other health care centers that you can find serving Cumberland are Seton Community Health Center, Health Matters Urgent Care, Oca Inc., Lavale Counseling & Family Therapy, Western Maryland Health Systems, STD Test Express, Tri-State Women’s Health Center, and many more. photo attribution: dougtone