Those who wish to be trained as a certified nurse aide can find schools located in Cope, South Carolina below. These programs have been approved by the state and mee the current certification exam requirements. For more information about enrolling in a medical career training program, please call the number provided.
Cope Area Career Center
6052 Slab Landing Road
Cope, SC 29038
803-534-7661 or 803-535-4301
Part of the process of becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a state-approved training program. To enroll in one, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or a GED, possess complete immunization and a negative TB test, and be sound of mind and physically capable of taking care of the patients.
A CNA training program will teach you the concepts and skills needed to function as a nursing assistant. You will learn different things such as infection control, mental health, personal and basic care, resident’s rights and independence, communication skills, and many more. Programs are required by the state to offer a minimum of 100 hours of training. These training hours are divided into classroom lectures and at least 40 hours of clinical practice. Depending on which program you enroll, your training costs may range from $600-1000. There are also training institutions that offer their training for free, such as the Red Cross. For those working for a Medicaid nursing facility or has received offers of employment, their training will be free of charge.
By completing the necessary training, you will become eligible to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam. If you pass the written/oral knowledge test and the clinical skills return demonstration, you will get into the Nurse Aide Registry and become a CNA. Only the individuals who are listed in the NAR will be allowed to work in a nursing facility as a nursing assistant.
Another way of getting into the South Carolina NAR is by applying for reciprocity. This process will allow a CNA, who has a valid license and is listed in another state’s NAR, to transfer his certification. When applying, the applicant must fill out the necessary forms ( A nursing assistant whose name is on the Nurse Aide Abuse Registry will not be allowed to work in a Medicaid nursing facility. All application forms and documents must be sent to:
Pearson VUE
South Carolina Nurse Aide Registry
PO Box 13785
Philadelphia, PA 19101-3785
(800) 475-8290
This town is situated in Orangeburg County. It has a total area of about 0.2 sq miles, where all of it is land. According to the last census, their total population was around 107 people. It has a population density of 428.1/sq mile.
Because this town has a small population, there are not that many health care centers in this town. Those that provide services to the town include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center (800) 681-7524, G & G Treatment Center (866) 609-4752, Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive (843) 987-7400, Fresenius Medical Care Marshlands Dialysis (843) 987-0110, and a few more. photo attribution: create-learning