The certified nursing assistant classes in Columbia City, Indiana that are listed on this page are all the training programs that are currently available. For any inquiries, just call one of the education programs listed or go to their address during working hours.
Miller’s Merry Manor
640 West Ellsworth Street,
Columbia City, IN 46725
(260) 248-8101
Being a nursing assistant in the state of Indiana is the best way for you to enter the medical field. One of its benefits is that the school instruction to become certified does not cost that much as compared to other health care courses. Also, it will only take you at the most a few months to finish the course, and then you will be able to take the state exams. In addition since there is an increasing demand for quality health care services the demands for certified nursing assistants keeps increasing, providing you with valuable job security.
In the process of becoming a nursing aide, you will need to find a state-approved training course to enroll in. These programs will teach you different concepts and train you on the skills necessary to handle the patients/residents. These programs are found all over the state and can be completed in a matter of weeks. After you complete your training, you can then ask for the CNA Final Exam Application form from your training center. This will be necessary to apply for the license exams.
The license exams for this state are conducted by the Ivy Tech Community College. Their exams are composed of a written/oral exam and a demonstration on your knowledge on how to do the basic nursing procedures properly. If you are able to pass all the tests, your name will be automatically added to the Registry. Once your name is in the Registry, you will need to maintain this status to remain eligible to work in a healthcare institution as a nursing aide. The nurse aide licenses in Indiana need to be renewed every two years. One of its requirements is that you must have worked for at least 8 hours with pay during that time. For any questions, you can check out this site:
Columbia City is the county seat of Whitley County. You can find this city under the Township of Columbia. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 8,750 residents and a population density of 1,358/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 5.60 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care providers and centers that you can avail in the city include Parkview Whitley After Hours Clinic, Whitley Wellness Center, Bowen Center, New Life Generation, Sider Todd A MD FACS, Indiana Surgical Specialists LLC, Chamberlain Timothy R Md, Indiana Surgical Specialists, Parkview Firstcare, and many more.