Those who reside in Clincho, Virginia can find the certified nursing assistant programs that are open for you to enroll in listed in detail below. Contact the career center listed on this page to get more details about the training they are offering in the area.
Dickenson County Career Center
Clincho, VA 24226 – Route 1
(276) 835-9384
CNA training in Virginia is one of the best in the country. Training programs are thoroughly monitored by the state’s Board of Nursing to make sure that their students receive quality training and education. Because of the high demand for nursing aides today and the number of people who are training to become nursing aides, the state must ensure that they produce competent nursing aides.
Nursing aide training programs in the state comply with OBRA’s 75-hour minimum training requirements. Just like any other state in the country, their training consists of both lectures and supervised clinical program that are taught at the same time. Students are taught about the basic nursing concepts and skills. They will learn about infection control, mental health, human anatomy, communication techniques, safety and emergency procedures, and many more.
Upon enrolling into a program, students are required to get fingerprinted and undergo the federal and state’s criminal background checks. No student is allowed to handle any patient without the checks. This is done mainly to protect the patients. Some institutions and schools require the criminal background check results prior to enrolling into the program.
Completing a state-approved program is a requirement to apply for the NNAAP exam. Taking this exam is the final step in becoming a full-fledged nursing aide. This exam consists of a written/oral test and a practical skills evaluation. Candidates who are able to pass both tests will gain entry into the state’s Nurse Aide Registry and receive a CNA certificate.
Employers will only hire nursing aides who are in the Nurse Aide Registry and are able to keep their certificate valid. Employers are required by the state to verify each applicant’s certification by contacting the BON at (804) 367-4569 or by going online and visit their official website at
The CNA certification that you have is only a basic one. You can still get an advanced certification by enrolling in another training program that provides specialized training. An advanced certification will allow you to perform certain procedures and skills that basic nurse aides cannot.
Certificates in this state are only valid for 2 years. Every holder must renew his or her certification to remain eligible to work in a state-approved nursing facility. No CNA is allowed to continue working with an expired certificate. Holders who cannot renew their certifications on time are given an additional 90 days. If they still fail to renew within that time, then their certificates will expire.
This is a town that is a part of Dickenson County It was named after the Clinchfield Railroad Company. According to the latest census, their total population had reached up to a total of 424 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.8 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 153.8/sq mile.
Examples of health care facilities that you can find serving the town include Spinal Health & Wellness, Therapeutic Wellness & Health, Kendal Health & Wellness Center, Universal Health & Wellness Center, Tidewater Health and Wellness, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom