The nurse aide training institutions in Chipley, Florida that are listed on this page are that are open for you to enroll in. Call the school directly for more information about enrolling in training in this town.
Washington-Holmes Technical Center
757 Hoyt Street
Chipley, Florida 32428
(850) 638-1180
There are different requirements that you must comply with to become a nursing assistant in the state of Florida. The state does not allow its CNAs to work without a license. This means that you must pass the license exams that are being offered by Prometric. There are also prerequisites to take the license exams and get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The most important tasks among them is the completion of a training program and the passing of the background checks for criminal records that will be conducted in both federal and state level.
Training programs in this state can be completed within 6 months, depending on the program you enroll in. Aside from those mentioned other requirements for the exams include passing 2 passport-size ID photo, fingerprint cards, as well as the payment for the exams. You must also be at least 18 years old to apply and must know how to read and write.
If you are already a CNA from a different state, then you will no longer be required to take Florida’s license exam. You will have different requirements that those who have not yet undergone any proper training. For this type of application, you will be required to submit a copy of your license or certification, the examination results, as well as the results for the background checks.
This city is the county seat of Washington County, Florida. It was originally named as Orange but was later renamed in 1882. It was named after the businessman and State Senator William Dudley Chipley. It has a total area of approximately 4.1 square miles, where all of it is land. Its total population was 3,682 during the 2005 census. It has a population density of 872.5/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find within the city include Hatcher Jason D Doctor of Osteopathi, The Health Clinic, Horizon Health Care Inc., Administrator Health Services, Southern Family Healthcare, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Northwest Florida Community Hospital, and many more. photo attribution: udalumni