Nurse Assistant schools that are open for classes in Chickasha, Oklahoma are all listed here. If you want to know more about their facility instruction, please call the program listed below. Training shown here has met the approval of the Oklahoma State Department of Health and will allow students to qualify for license testing.
Canadian Valley Technology
1401 West Michigan Ave.,
Chickasha, OK 73018
(405) 224-7220
(Also offers LTC programs)
The thing that makes becoming taking up a nursing aide course so practical is that the training is quick, easy, and affordable. Most programs only offer the minimum requirement of 75 training hours. These hours will be divided into lectures, lab works, and training in the clinical setting. These programs can take 2 to 4 months to complete.
For the state of Oklahoma, training programs are required to offer 75 hours of classroom lectures, and an additional of 16 hours of practical training in a licensed nursing facility. After completing the course, you will then receive a certification of completion, which you will use when you apply for the license exams.
The license exams will test you in both knowledge and skills. You can either opt to take a written or oral exam to pair it with the skills exam. To gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry, you must be able to pass all the exams. Only those who are in the registry will be allowed to work in a licensed facility as a nursing aide.
The state of Oklahoma also offers reciprocity to other certified nursing aides who are registered in a different registry. When they apply, they must have an active status and no records that may prevent them from working in a nursing facility such as abuse, neglect, or theft of a patient’s property. A good relationship with their state is very important in order to pass the mandatory criminal background checks.
A CNA license is only valid for 2 years. In order to keep in active, you must renew it before it expires. One of the requirements for renewal is that you must have worked as a paid nursing aide for at least 8 hours within the last 2 years. All those who are applying for renewal are also required to complete an affidavit of legal residence. This new requirement falls under the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizens Protection Act of 2007. You can download a copy of the forms by following this link:
The state is very open to health care providers that come from different places. A nursing assistant that complete his training in a different state can still work in Oklahoma by applying for reciprocity. Nurses and others that have finished nursing related courses will not be required to retrain in a CNA program nor take the state exams again.
Chickasha is the county seat of Grady County. The community was founded by Hobart Johnstone Whitley, who was a land developer, Rock Island Railroad executive, and a banker. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 16,036 people. It has a total area of approximately 18.1 sq miles, where all of it is land. The population density of the city is estimated to be around 885.9/sq mile.
Health care centers that are found in the area include Carter Healthcare, Ross Health Care, Essex T W Doctor of Osteopathi, Access Health Care of Chickasha, Southern Plains Medical Center, Red Rock Behavioral Health Services – Red Rock Chickasha, Vanderlugt Lee DO, and many more. photo attribution: ufv