The state approved certified nursing assistant training currently available in Cheraw, South Carolina is listed for you on this page. The course will teach the basic skills needed while working in this occupation as well as qualify applicants to take the examination for their license. Call the number provided for details such as class schedules, certification requirements, school tuition and program curriculum.
Cheraw High School
649 Highway #9
Cheraw, SC 29520
843-921-1000 or 843-921-1006
Enrolling in a CNA training program is the first step in becoming a nursing assistant, for those of you who do not have a background in health care. To enroll in a training program, you must be at least 18 years old, possess a high school diploma or a GED, be capable of reading and writing, have a complete immunization record and a negative TB test, and pass the criminal background check, which is done in both federal and state levels.
CNA programs are offered in several training facilities such as community colleges, hospitals, mental health institutions, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, private institutions, and vocational schools. To be certified, a program must offer at least 100 hours of training, with no less than 40 hours allotted for clinical practice. Their students must be under the care of a certified clinical instructor.
If you are a licensed nurse who wants to teach and train, you may want to consider becoming a CNA instructor. To be one, you must have at least 2 years of working experience, where one of those years spent working at a long term care facility. You must also complete a Train-the-Trainer course and possess some background in training adults or supervising nursing assistant students.
If you complete the approved training program, you will become eligible to apply for the certification test. This test is conducted by Pearson VUE along with NACES. It consists of a written multiple-choice test and a clinical skills evaluation of random skills that were taught in the program. Both portions of the test will be given on the same date at approved testing sites. The nursing assistant candidates may also take an oral test in conjunction with the written version of the knowledge test.
To gain entry into the NAR, you must pass both parts of the certification test. If you fail in at least one exam, you will be given another 2 attempts. You will need to reapply and indicate the test that you failed. When retaking, you will only need to take the part that you fail in. In addition to the three attempts, you must also become certified within 2 years of completing your training. If you fail to meet those conditions, you will have to complete another training program.
CNA certifications are only valid for 2 years. If you wish to continue your eligibility, you must renew your certification before it expires. An expired certification can no longer be renewed. If you want to work as a nursing assistant then you will have to start all over again.
This town is a part of Chesterfield County. You can find Cheraw on the Pee Dee River. It was named as the “The Prettiest Town in Dixie”. This town has a total area of approximately 4.6 sq miles. According to the last census, their total population was at 5,524. They had a population density of 1,197.6/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find serving this town include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, G & G Treatment Center, Owens Eyecare Center, Sam H. Arazie, Dmd, Msd, PA, Reid’s Funeral Home, Ferrigno Family Chiropractic, Carolina Surgical Practice, Caresouth Carolina Cheraw Health Services, Stafford Charles R DMD, Cobbold Chris M MD, Cheraw Manor Assisted Living, and Chesterfield General Hospital. photo attribution: create-learning