Classes that provide instruction in how to become a nursing assistant in Champaign, Illinois and are open for enrollment are listed here. Enrollment details, class schedules, and the cost of tuition can be found by calling the phone number for the training facility below.
Parkland College
2400 West Bradley Ave.,
Champaign, IL 61821
(877) 302-5255
If you want to become a nursing assistant then you must first learn all the necessary knowledge and skills that you will need to take care of a resident. That is why you have to choose a training program to enroll in. You have to keep in mind while selecting a program that you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. You can find that these programs are being offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and even certain community and healthcare centers.
When you enroll in a state-approved program, your training will be composed of lessons on different nursing concepts and clinical skills training. You will be trained on different nursing skills like proper hand washing offering and removing bedpans, doing partial or full bed baths, assist in performing ROM exercises, and certain emergency procedures. All that you will learn will be tested in the state’s license exams, and while in the program, you must have at least 40 hours’ worth of clinical duties and practical experience in a medical setting. This is the minimum set of required number of hours imposed by the state to qualify to take the exam for nursing aides.
The license exams for this state are composed of two parts, a written and a skills demonstration. You have to pass all the exams for your name to be entered in the state’s online registry. Take note that the state of Illinois no longer issues any licenses or certificates to those who passed their exams. To qualify the applicant must also be at least 16 years old, and have a criminal history records check that shows no disqualifying convictions. You can call 217-785-5133 to speak with a representative of the registry to learn more.
Champaign is a city that is a part of Champaign County. It was founded in 1855 and was originally known as “West Urbana”. You can find that this city is bordered by Chicago, Indianapolis, Indiana, and St. Louis of Missouri. With a total population of 81,055 people during the 2010 census, this is currently the 11th most populous city in the state. It ranks 4th as the most populous city that is not a part of the Chicago metropolitan area. The population density of the city was estimated to be 3,974.6 / sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 17.0 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care providers that you can find serving this city include Gossett Clinic & Spinal Center of Champaign, Harmony Healthcare, A Creating Wellness Center, Matzner Chiropractic-A Creating Wellness Center, Pride In Your Health Holistic Clinic, PC, Frances Nelson Health Center, Pregnancy Resource Center, Christie Clinic, Frances Nelson Health Center, and Planned Parenthood Of Illinois. If you know of other instruction classes that are being offered in the area, please contact us and we will add them to the page. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity