The medical center training located in Burtonsville, Maryland that is listed on this page is all the certified nursing assistant classes that is offering instruction. For any inquiries about certification requirements, classroom curriculum, program schedules, or tuition rates, please call the phone number provided below.
Paint Branch High School Medical Careers Program
14121 Old Columbia Pike
Burtonsville, MD 20866
(301) 989-5600
Becoming a nursing assistant will open several career opportunities for you. With the demand for nursing assistants that constantly increasing, you will have work ready for you when you become a certified. The occupation is also an excellent way to get your start in health care for advanced career opportunities. For you to become a certified nursing assistant in the state of Maryland, you must enroll in a training program that is approved by the state. At this time the requirement is that the school offers at least 100 hours of class lectures and health care experience hours for you to complete the program.
Once you pass, you are then eligible to apply for the certification exam. Before you are allowed to take the exams, the must first apply for Authorization to take the tests.This includes going through a criminal background check, submitting an application form and a certification fee. The Maryland Geriatric Nursing Assistant Testing Service handles the testing and they can assist you with your questions by calling them at 866-257-6470.
CNAs from other states are also welcome to work in Maryland. If they want to, they must apply for reciprocity. When they apply, their licenses should still be valid and that they must pass both federal and state background checks. Those who are trained as nurses may also qualify to work in MD by applying for reciprocity. All applicants must have a good relationship with the state they come from as well as an equal education level. If they are able to qualify, they will no longer be required to undergo nursing assistant training and can challenge the exam for certification. The Maryland Board of Nursing handles these requests and can be reached by calling 410-585-1990. Those who have become certified can also attend additional training to receive an advance license. Some of the available supplemental certifications are Certified Medicine Aide, Home Health Aide, and Dialysis Technician.
This is a census-designated place that is located in Montgomery County. The area was once called as Patuxent Hundred and the Eastern Branch Hundred back in colonial times. According to the last census, their total population was around 7,305 people. It has a total area of approximately 8.0 sq miles, where only 0.2 square miles of it is water. It has a population density of 935.1/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Adult Career & Personal Counseling Services, B M A Healthcare Services, Sung Nak DO, Maryland Suburban Aluminum & Vinyl Co Inc., Block Debra DR, Robert Ginsberg Md., James George C., Community Home Health of MD, and many more. photo attribution: quinnanya