Those searching in the town of Brewster, Washington for schools that are teaching how to become a certified nursing assistant can locate them posted here. Training is mandatory for one to become qualified to work with patients in a health care setting long term. In addition one can not become certified unless a training course has been completed.
Harmony House Health Care Center
100 River Plaza,
Brewster, WA 98812
(509) 689-2546
Working as a nursing assistant means that you’ll be under the watchful eyes of the registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. Training to become a nursing assistant in Washington can be one of the best career choices you can make. The demand for nursing assistant is currently at its all-time high. You won’t have trouble looking for work as a one, and there are numerous opportunities to advance your training.
According to the law, a nursing assistant must be on the Nurse Aide Registry at least 4 days from the start of his work. Luckily, this doesn’t mean that you have to be certified to get on the Registry. If you want to work as a nursing assistant before you get certified, then you should apply to become a nursing assistant-registered (NA-R). NA-Rs have a maximum of 4 months to complete a training program and get certified. If they fail to meet the requirements for certification within 4 months from the start of their work, then they’ll have to stop working.
A NA Certification is a requirement to work as a long-term nursing assistant. Getting a certification means completing an approved program and taking the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination (NNAAP Exam). Nursing assistant-certified is the second type of nursing assistant in Washington. You don’t have to become an NA-R to become an NAC.
Nursing assistant training programs that are offered in the state are required to offer no less than 85 hours of training. The hours are divided into lectures (35 hours) and practical training (50 hours). Most of the programs however, offer more than the required 85 hours of training. Depending on the program you choose, it can take you from about 2 to 6 months to complete a program.
The NNAAP exam was designed to test the competence of every aspiring nursing assistant throughout the country. This test consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. Due to the number of people who wish to become nursing assistants, the state has asked Pearson VUE to help conduct, score, and release the exam results. Candidates are required to pass both tests to get a certification.
This city is situated in Okanogan County. You can find Brewster where Okanogan and Columbia rivers meet. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 2,370 people. It has a total area of approximately 1.2 square miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,975.0/sq mile. Brewster’s sister city is Takahagi, Japan.
Health care centers that are located within the city include Caribou Trail Professional Medical Services Group, Family Health Centers, Vantassel Edward DO, Caribou Trail Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, and many more. photo attribution: usdol