The certified nurse aide schools located in Breese, Illinois that are shown on this page are all the training programs that you can find in the area. If you know of any state licensed instructional programs not shown here, please let us know through our contact us form.
Central Community High School
7740 Old US Hwy 50,
Breese, IL 62230
(618) 526-4578
The state of Illinois does not allow any individual to handle any patient/resident as a nursing assistant without undergoing the proper education and training. When you are selecting a program to enroll in, you should only choose a program that is approved by the state. You can find on this page the CNA training programs that are available in the area.
These programs are offered by community colleges and training centers, high schools, healthcare centers, and other institutions. Depending on the program you select, it will take only a few weeks of training to complete the program. It is very important that when you complete your training, you will be able to apply for the different healthcare facilities not only in this state, but as well as others.
As a nursing assistant student, you will gain knowledge on the different topics that you will need to take care of patients such as infection control, mental health, therapeutic communication skills, and other medical concepts. You will also be trained on the basic nursing competency skills like assisting in feeding, dressing, ROM exercises, ambulation, offering and removing bedpans, and do emergency procedures when needed. After completing your training you can apply for the certification test. The test covers two parts a manual skills test and a written competency part. If you happen to fail your first take on the examination, you can take it three times before they require you to retrain.
Nurse assistants from other states are welcome to work in this state. When they wish to do so, they must first apply for reciprocity. When they apply, their licenses should still have a valid license status. All those who are applying for reciprocity are also required to pass the federal and state background checks. Having records like patient abuse and negligence can greatly affect their application.
This large town can be located in Clinton County. Founded in 1855, the town was named after Sidney Breese, who was a Senator during the time of Abraham Lincoln. The earliest settlers in the area however, came in the early 1810s. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 4,221 people. It has a total area of about 2.3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,877.1 / sq mile.
Health care providers that you can find serving the town include Hs Medical Group General Surgery, Pregnancy Aid, Children’s Care Clinic, Memorial Medical Group, Alton MultiSpecialists, Radiation Oncology, Clinton County Rural Health Clinic, Right From The Start Pediatrics, Southern Ob-Gyn Associates, Competitive Edge Sports Medicine, and Ankle and Foot Center of Southern Illinois. photo attribution: sanjoselibrary