The career center courses offering nursing assistant training in Bourbonnais, Illinois that is shown on this page is all the state certified instruction that is currently open for you to enroll in. If you have any inquiries about their training programs, tuition fees, or certification requirements, please call the number below to speak with a program director.
Kankakee Area Career Center
4083 North 1000 West Road,
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
(815) 939-4971
It is not that hard to become a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois. All you have to do is to meet the different requirements of the state, and those are easy if you know what they are. The first thing that you need to do is to find a CNA training program to enroll in. When you are looking for one, you have to make sure that the program you select is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you will be able to apply for the exams once you complete your training.
Certified training programs are located all over Illinois. You can find them being offered by several institutions like colleges, high schools, and certain healthcare and community centers. For them to be approved, they are required to offer their students a minimum of 40 training hours. These hours will be divided into classroom instructions and clinical duties. The program should be coordinated with a RN since he/she will be the one who will supervise the student in the clinical area. After completion of a program you can submit to a background check and send in an application and school transcripts to qualify to take the exam.
The completion of a training program will make you eligible to apply for the state’s competency exams. Another method you can become eligible is if you enrolled in a nursing course. All you need to become eligible to apply is to cover the Fundamentals of Nursing during your education and have at least 40 hours of experience. For more information, you can check this site: If you are from another state or country and have taken a nursing assistant program you may be able to apply for reciprocity. Once you apply, you will be required to submit or provide the needed documents for evidence that you have finished all the requirements.
This is a village that can be found in Kankakee County. It is included in the Kankakee–Bradley Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Chicago–Naperville–Michigan City, IL-IN-WI Combined Statistical Area. This village was named after its founder, Francois Bourbonnais, Sr. It was founded back in 1830, when Bourbonnais came to the area. According to the last census, their total population was around 15,256 people. It has a total area of 4.6 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be around 3,302.1 / sq mile.
Health care providers that are serving the village include Immediate Care Center, Jojo Sayson’s Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation, Community Health Center of Bourbonnais, Illinois Laser & Vein Center, Provena St Mary’s Hospital Physical Therapy – Wellness and Fitness, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Chamness Square, and more. photo attribution: codnewsroom