Training centers that are enrolling for nursing assistant classes located in Belleville, Illinois are shown on this page. The courses listed here are all the facilities offering their classes as of the making of this post. Call the schools program representative using the phone numbers listed here to get more details about enrolling in a program, class schedules, and required curriculum.
Bits and Bytes Training Institute
7705 West Main Street,
Belleville, IL 62223
(618) 397-3131
Southwestern Illinois College
2500 Carlyle Ave.,
Belleville, IL 62221
(618) 235-2700
There are several requirements that you must do before you are able to work as a CNA in this state. The state does not allow any individual to work as nursing aide if his or her name is not in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The only way for it to be entered there is by passing the state’s competency exams. One of the most important requirements in becoming a nursing assistant is receiving the proper training and education. You can only get this by enrolling in a certified training program. You can find these programs offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers. According to the state rules, you must be at least 16 years old to be enrolled in a program.
Once you complete your training, you can then apply for the competency exams. The exams for this state are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. You will need to pass both parts of the exams to get your name entered in the registry. Keep in mind that the state does not issue any certificates or licensees upon passing the exams. For more information, please call 217-785-5133. If you are a graduate of a nursing assistant training program from another state and are planning to get a nursing assistant job in the state of Illinois, then all you have to do is to apply for reciprocity. Once you apply for this, you will be required to show a few documents that proves your experience and that you meet the training requirements.
This city is situated in St. Clair County. It is the seat of government there. With a total population of 44,478 people during the last census, it is considered as the 8th most populous city that is not included in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. It ranks as the most populated city that is south of Springfield. The city was founded back in 1814 and was named by George Blair, who was an immigrant from Scotland. Belleville has a total area of approximately 19.0 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care centers that are in the city of Belleville include St Clair County Health Department, Planned Parenthood Of The St Louis Region, Brefeld Physical Therapy Services, High Blood Pressure Clinic, Bel-Clair Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center, DaVita Dialysis Center, Family Home & Healthcare Services, Belleville Family Practice Site 12 Foundation, STD Test Express, Chestnut Health Systems, Cancer Treatment Center, and Mental Health Center of St Clair. photo attribution: codnewsroom