To become certified as a nursing assistant you will need to take a state authorized training program. You can find all of the available instruction in Bay City, Michigan that is open for enrollment on this page. If you have any questions about their programs, just call the number below.
Valley Training Center, LLC
1806 South Euclid Ave., Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 667-8802
To become a nursing assistant you will need to meet both the federal and state requirements. This also goes the same for those who wish to offer a CNA training program. Because of the high demand for the profession, there are now more training facilities that want to offer nursing assistant training. Before they are allowed to accept any students, they will have to apply for authorization first. Aspiring nursing assistants should always enroll only in programs that are certified by the state.
To be able to take care of the patients, you must first learn the necessary skills. These skills are the basic health care skills that will be taught to you in a nursing assistant training program. You have to make sure that the program is approved by the state. During the program, you will be spending your hours in lectures and clinical experiences. While in the clinical area, you will be under the supervision of a registered nurse.
A program’s curriculum must have the needs of the population in mind. They will need to train in common situations such as how to take care of a patient with dementia, schizophrenia and other mental disabilities, those that have developmental disabilities, as well to taking care of the non-elderly.
They must offer their students a total of 75 training hours. These hours should already include at least 16 hours of classroom instructions and another 16 hours for skills training. The students must be able to perform satisfactorily in those areas before they are allowed to handle actual patients/residents. In total 51 different tasks will be practiced during instruction which you will be tested on when you take the license exams.
The exams are available once you have finished a course. The examination is handled by Prometric. Representatives of the state registry can be reached to answer your questions by calling the Michigan Nurse Aide Customer Line at 1-800-752-4724.
Bay City can be found in Bay County. It is near the base of the Saginaw Bay. The city is divided by the Saginaw River into a western and an eastern side. It is a primary city of the Bay City Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 34,932 people. They have a population density of 3,537.1/sq mile. It has a total area of approximately 11.3 sq miles, where most of it is land. Major roads that are accessible from the city include Interstate 75, U.S. Routes, 10, 23, and State Routes 13, 15, 25, and 84.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Covenant Occupational Health Services, Valley Family Physicians, Dobson Healthcare Services, Healthcare Business Resources Inc., Caretel Inns of Tri-Cities, Bay Area Behavioral Health, Bay Haven Mental Health Programs, Bay Diagnostic Center, Touchstone Services Inc., Bangor Medical Center, Health Care Receivables Management, and Bay Regional Heart & Vascular. photo attribution: patrickdoheny