The nursing assistant schools in Avon Park, Florida that are open for enrollment are listed in detail below. If you know other Florida Nursing Assistant Registry licensed programs that are being offered here, contact us and we will add them to the page.
South Florida Community College
600 West College Drive,
Avon Park, Florida 33825
With the increasing demand for nursing assistants in the state of Florida, it is not wonder why more and more people are looking for ways to get a CNA certification. There are some requirements for the Florida that may take you a couple of years to accomplish. For example, they state requires that its nurse aides must be at least 18 years old and has a high school diploma or a degree that is equivalent to it. You must also be physically capable to handle different patients.
Before you are allowed to handle patients or residents, you must first complete a state-approved training course. These courses are being offered by different institutions like colleges and nursing homes. In order to complete your training, you must have at least 75 hours of classroom lectures and 100 hours of skills training. It will take you an estimated 6 months, depending on the program you enroll in, to complete an official course. As a nursing assistant student, you will be taught in different concepts and skills like catheter care, assisting in bed baths, dressing, and ambulation, taking of vital signs, and other basic nursing skills. After you complete the training, you can then apply for competency exams where your next big challenge is passing the background checks from both the federal and the state. If you fail the background checks, you will not be allowed to proceed and take the exams.
This city can be found in Highlands County. It is considered as the oldest city in the county. Avon Park was named after Stratford-upon-Avon, England. It was founded by Oliver Martin Crosby back in 1884. According to the census of 2009, their total population was at 8,824. Avon Park has a total area of approximately 5.65 sq miles and a population density of 1,841.8/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find within the city area include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Family Practice Center, Sevigny & Johnson Eye Care, Avon Park Chiropractic Clinic, Chen William E DMD PL, Vickers Chiropractic Health Centers PA, Heartland Pediatrics Associates, and many more. photo attribution: usaghumphreys