The school programs in Anna, Illinois that are listed on this page have all the information that you need for you to become a certified nursing assistant. To receive details about their training programs, tuition fees, class curriculum, and instruction schedules, call the phone number for the facility below.
Shawnee Community College
1000 North Main St., Anna, IL 62906
(618) 833-3399
According to the state rules, if you want to work in Illinois as a nursing aide you have to first enroll in a state-approved training program to receive the proper education and training. You have the option to either enroll in a CNA course or a nursing program. One advantage of choosing a certification course to enroll in is that it is less costly. Nurse aide courses also last much shorter as compared to other courses or programs. You must also be at least 16 years old and be physical fit to be accepted in a program.
State-approved training programs offer a total of 40 hours of training. These hours will be divided into lectures and clinical skills experience. Even as a student, you will already be exposed to the clinical area while being under the supervision of a highly qualified RN. It will take you an average of 2 to 6 months to complete your training. Your clinical rotations will take place at either a hospital or nursing home. After you complete your training, the next step is to send in your application forms along with the needed documents. You must take the license exams if you want to become eligible to work in the state of Illinois as a nursing aide. If you pass all the tests, your name will be entered in the state’s online registry. You need to work within 24 consecutive months to keep your name in the registry.
This city can be located in Union County. You can find this city in the southern portion of the state. Anna is sometimes tied to its very close neighbor which is Jonesboro. According to the last census that was taken in the area, their total population was around 5,136 people. This city has a total area of approximately 3.4 square miles or 9 square kilometers. Its last estimated population density was around 1,519.3 per square mile.
Examples of health care providers that are listed in the area include Children’s Medical Resource Network, Choate Mental Health & Development Center, Union County Hospital, Union County Family Practice, Southern Illinois Healthcare, Union County Hospital – Emergency, Union County Counseling Service Inc., Hospital Home Health – Home Health Services, and Tip Home Health Services. photo attribution: usdagov