The certified nursing assistant training located in Stilwell, Oklahoma that is available for enrollment is listed on this page. For more information about their school classes, you can call the number provided for you below.
Indian Capital Technology
Rt. 4 Box 3320,
Stilwell, OK 74960
(918) 696-3111
(Other classes are being offered as well)
A CNA certification is required before you can work in a nursing facility in Oklahoma. The certification process begins by knowing what kind of nursing assistant you want to be. There are 6 kinds of nursing assistants. Half of the classifications are considered advance and requires you to be on the NAR before you can enroll in their program. Among the classifications, you can gain entry into the NAR by becoming a long term care aide, a home health aide, or a disabled direct care aide.
Once you have chosen what kind of nursing assistant you wish to be, your next step is to enroll in a state-approved training program. Keep in mind that it is also possible to have more than one basic or advance certification, since each classification has its own scope of duties. Many of the training institutions offer multiple programs so you won’t have a hard time finding a proper program to enroll in. A lot of the programs offered in Oklahoma take an average of 4 to 6 months to complete. You should also be physically fit and in good standing with both the federal and the state government so that you can pass the background check.
As soon as you complete your training, you can immediately apply for the competency exam and schedule your exam date. During your exam date, it is important that you arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time. Those who arrive late will no longer be allowed to enter the testing area. To get into the NAR, you must pass all the tests (written/oral test, and the skills test). Every candidate is given a maximum of 3 attempts, which must be used within 2 years from the completion of one’s training.
If you do pass all the tests, you can check your name by going online at Employers also visit that site since they are required to verify the certification of a potential employee. You may check your record by either entering your full name or your certification number.
By getting into the NAR, you are one step closer to becoming eligible for the advance certification programs. Some programs, such the CMA programs, require the nurse aide to have a minimum amount of working experience to be eligible. If you are considering being a medication aide, you can contact the Oklahoma NAR at (800) 695-2157 or (405) 271-4085 for any questions you have.
This town is the county seat of Adair County. The town was named after Arthur Stilwell, who was well-known philanthropist and was responsible for creating the Kansas City Southern Railway. As of the latest census that was taken there, their total population had reached up to a total population of 3,276 people. They have a population density of 1,033.7/sq mile. The total area of Stilwell is approximately 3.2 sq miles, where all of it is land. You can find this city at the junction of U.S. Highways 59 and 51.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are available to you and are located within the town include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Bill Willis Community Mental Health Center, Adair County Health Center, Western Robin Doctor of Osteopathi, Medical Health Care Services I, Agent William DO, Physicians’ Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: ufv