All the certified nurse aide school programs that are located in Scooba, Mississippi and are approved by the state are listed in details below. By joining and finishing one of these courses you will be allowed to take the state competency exams which will provide you with your certification.
East Mississippi Community College
1512 Kemper Street, Scooba, MS 39358
(662) 476-5103
The first step to become a nursing assistant is to find a training program to enroll in. It is important that before you handle the patients, you must know how to do it properly. This will also help you to prepare when you take on the NNAAP examinations. The NNAAP exams are designed to evaluate the capacity of an individual to become a nursing assistant. All those who want to pursue this line of work must take and pass the exams.
State-approved schools are required to offer 130 hours of training, which are divided into theories and on-the-job training. It will take 6 weeks to complete the training and student must be present in all the sessions to complete your 130 hours of training. Once the student complete s his education and training, he is allowed 24 months to apply for and pass the exams. For those who were hired as a nursing assistant prior to being certified, they will only have 4 months to get their license.
The NNAAP exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation exam. They are only available in English and no other language. If the applicant has trouble in reading English, they may request the written exams to be replaced with an oral exam. The examiner will only be allowed to read what is on the questioner and is not allowed to explain or translate it. Contact Pearson Vue by calling 1-888-204-6213 to learn more about examination requirements.
To get a CNA certification, the candidate must be able to pass all the tests. Certificates for this state are only valid for 2 years. To be able to renew it, the holder must be able to work for a minimum of 8 hours every 24 consecutive months. There is also an additional 12 hours of in-service for those who are working in LTC facilities.
The town of Scooba is located in Kemper County. It has a total area of 2.5 square miles, where all of it is land. You can find this town just adjacent to U.S. Route 45 and State Highway 16. It is also about 35 miles north of Meridian and 50 miles south of Columbus. According to the 2000 census, their total population was estimated to be 632 people only. photo attribution: germannacommunitycollege