The facilities in Prince Frederick, Maryland that are listed on this page are all the certified nurse aide programs that are currently open for enrollment. If you have any questions about the cost to enroll in instruction, certification requirements or classroom curriculum, please call the number for a training facility provided below.
Calvert Career Center
330 Dorsey Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
(410) 535-7450
Calvert County Nursing Center
85 Hospital Road
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
(410) 535-2300
There are now more and more people who want to find out how to become a nursing assistant. First of all, the state requires that all nursing assistants must register to the Nurse Aide Registry before they begin work as one. To be eligible to register, there are several things that must be done first. The first step is to find a CNA training classes to enroll in. The program must be approved by the state to ensure that you will receive proper education and will be allowed to apply for certification. Maryland requires your class training provide at least 100 hours of instruction in the skills of a nurse aide and also provide hands-on experience to help you gain the necessary aptitude for the job.
Next is to take on and pass all the tests in the license exams. These exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. You will need to pass both of them in order to be able to apply. Once you have done that, you may then send in your application. When applying, it is very important that you will include either your Social Security number or your Federal Tax ID number. Without one of those, your application will not be processed. Another important document to include is the results for your federal and state background checks. If you come from a different state, you will also need to provide proof of your 100 hours of training. The fee for initial certification is $20. For any questions, you may send them to Loretta Barner at
If you are a graduate of a nursing assistant training program that is from another state, all you have to do is to apply for reciprocity so that you can work in the state. When applying, you will be asked to supply the needed documents to prove that you are a graduate of a program that provided the proper curriculum and hourly instruction. You can contact the Board of Nursing for more information about how to qualify at 410-585-1990.
This census-designated place is a part of Calvert County. This CDP is also the seat of government for the county. The town got its name from George II’s son, who was named Frederick the Prince of Whales. According to the 2010 census, their total population was at 2,538. They have a total area of approximately 3.3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be at 439.9/sq mile.
Health care facilities that you can avail in the city include Prince Frederick Surgery Center, Southern Maryland Community Network Inc., Health Care Enterprises, Calvert Internal Medicine, Calvert Memorial Hospital Physician Referral, Center for Children, Independent Dialysis, Calvert Memorial Hospital, Calvert Convient Care, Renal Care Partners of Prince Frederick, and many more.