The certified nursing assistant classes in Plainview, Texas that are found on this page offer the most recent and up to date instruction programs that you can find in the city. For more information about their curriculum, you can call the program with the number provided here.
Plainview High School Nursing Assistant Program
1501 Quincy,
Plainview, TX 79072
(806) 296-4051
If you are planning on entering the medical field, then you should think about becoming CNA. This is one of the most in demand jobs in the health care field today because of the increased number of people who need help with their daily activities. If you want to proceed to a higher degree, this type of job can be a great stepping stone to a registered nursing career.
The primary task of nurse aides in long term care facilities and hospitals are to help provide basic assistance to residents/patients under the supervision of nurses. Before you can become certified you must complete a training program that teaches you the skills you need on the job and pass the license exams. Classes provide theoretical instruction and hands-on practice in a nursing home like setting. During your skills training you will learn to help assist patients with: transportation, bed-making, nourishment, range of motion exercises, taking vital signs, toileting, catheter care and many more.
Once you have finished your class you will want to take and pass the competency evaluation program examination. this test is made of two parts which are a written multiple choice test and a manual skills demonstration test. To find the location of a testing facility nearby you can call the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services at this phone number 1-800-444-5178.
After you have been certified it will take around 4 to 6 weeks to receive your license. You can check the status of your certification by calling the state automated system at 1-800-452-3934. The phone line requires you enter your social security number for personal identity verification.
The city of Plainview serves as the county seat of Hale County. According to the last census, their total population was around 22,336 people. They had a population density of 1,621.0/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 13.8 square miles, where all of it is land.
There are quite a number of health care providers that located in the city; they include The Women’s Health Clinic, Plainview Children’s Rural Health Clinic, Covenant Outpatient Clinic, Coalition of Health Services, Girling Health Care, Covenant Healthcare Center Plainview, West Texas Family Medicine, Regence Health Network, Interim HealthCare, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom