The certified nursing assistant schools in Paoli, Indiana that are listed here have all the details that you need to become licensed and eligible to work in health care centers. If you have any questions, please call the number for the facility below and talk with a course director.
Lost River Career Cooperative
610 Elm Street,
Paoli, IN 47125
(812) 723-4818
There are different requirements to become a certified nurse aide depending on where you are planning to work, but there are some which they all have in common. One of them is being able to complete a training program. To ensure that you will meet the hiring qualifications of different healthcare centers, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. You can find these programs almost anywhere in Indiana because of its high demand in the medical field. With most programs you can be eligible to work as a nursing assistant within 3 to 6 months. Currently CNA classes must provide 75 hours of clinical skills training and 30 hours of coursework and lectures.
To be able to work in the state as a nursing assistant in any healthcare facility, your name should be in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. You will need to pass all the tests in the registry to get your name entered. Once there, you have to renew your license every two years if you want to continue your work. Another thing that all aspiring nursing assistants should comply with is being able to pass the federal and state background checks. Although passing the criminal checks is not a requirement to be in the Registry, it is a law in this state that must be followed.
The town of Paoli is the county seat of Orange County, Indiana. It is a town that is located in the Township of Paoli. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 3,677 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.76 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. The population density of this town is estimated to be around 967.6/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that are in Paoli, IN are Angola Health Care Northern Lakes Nursing, Williams Bros Health Care Pharmacy, Comprehensive Health Care, Beachy David L DO, Air-Evac Lifeteam, Southern Hills Counseling Center, Jubilee Community Health Inc., and many more. photo attribution: ardee4