The certification courses found in Pana, Illinois that are shown on this page are all the nursing assistant training schools that you can enroll in as of the making of this post. For more information about taking a state authorized training program, please call the phone number provided below.
Pana Adult Center
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 377, Pana, IL 62557
Physical Location: 600 East 1st Street, Pana, IL 62557
(217) 562-3976
Pana High School
201 West 8th Street,
Pana, IL 62557
(217) 562-6600
It is a requirement in Illinois that those who wish to work as nursing assistants go through training. Programs that have been approved by the state provide practical health care skills instruction in a nursing facility environment. After completing classes the applicant can send in their school transcripts in order to take the exam. These programs are offered by different educational facilities like community colleges, healthcare centers, and community training centers. If you complete a training program, you will be allowed to send in your application forms for the CNA competency exams.
The competency exams for this state are handled by different facilities. Most of the institutions that offer training programs are also well equipped to conduct the exams. The state no longer requires the testing centers to provide a license or a certificate for their passers. Those who pass all the tests will have their names entered in the state’s online registry. You can take the license examination 3 times without needing a refresher course. As a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois your license will never expire so long as you have a job. The only time it will expire is that if you have not worked anytime during a span of 2 consecutive years. Only those whose names are in the registry will be allowed to work in a healthcare facility. Nurse aide license holders are welcome to work in the state if they apply for reciprocity. When they apply, their licenses should still be valid. They should also have a good relationship with their state since they are also required to pass the federal and state background checks.
This city is a part of Christian County. Founded on June 6, 1845, this town was originally known as Stone Coal Precinct. The name was only changed to its current name on September 2, 1856. Pana is also known as the City of Roses. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 5,847 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.7 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be around 2,101.7 / sq mile.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are situated in the city include Dycoco Gloria G MD, Cunnington Terry MD, Quizon D F MD, Pana Medical Group, Kocher Jared MD, Prairie Rose Health Care Center, Community Medical Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity