The nursing assistant classes in Orange Park, Florida that you can find in the city are listed below. Included in the list are all the Florida Department of Health approved programs that you can enroll in within the town as of this moment.
Medical and Business Institute CNA Course
2186 Park Avenue,
Orange Park, Florida 32073
(904) 269-7086
(Multiple classes are available)
Orange Park High School Academy Of Health
2300 Kingsley Avenue
Orange Park, Florida 32073
STS Training Services
115 College Drive
Orange Park, FL 32065
The first step on the road to becoming a nursing assistant is choosing a CNA training program to enroll in. You will not be allowed to take the competency examination if you have not received any proper education and skills training. The training program that you enroll in must also be approved by the state. You can only enroll yourself in a program if you are at least 18 years of age and have the ability to read and write. State-approved courses can be completed within 6 months of continuous training. To complete one, you must have at least 75 hours of theoretical classes and 100 hours of skills training. As a nursing assistant student, you will have the opportunity to try out the new skills that you will learn in a real healthcare setting. Your clinical experience will either take place in a nursing home or a hospital.
Aside from the completion of a training program, you will also be required to pass the criminal background checks. You will not be able to proceed and take the license exams if you have records that will prevent you from working in this state. Such records include theft and offenses involving drugs and violence. Other requirements for your application include passing an ID photo, 2 passport sized pictures, transcripts, and the payments for the fees. If you fail any test, you will not be eligible for any refunds on the tests you have not taken yet. For more information about the requirements to become a nursing assistant, you can visit
This is a town that can be found in Clay County. It was founded back in 1878 and is a suburb of Jacksonville. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 8,412, It has a total area of approximately 5.6 sq miles, and has a population density of 2,321.2/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Express Document Service Inc., Professional Medical Transcription Services Inc., Dermatology & Laser Center, Advanced Periodontics & Implant Surgery, Clay Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Eye Center Of Orange Park, and many more. photo attribution: defenceimages