The schools listed here provide nursing assistant training and are located in Harrisburg, Illinois. These are all the classes that are currently open for enrollment as of this time. If you know other state approved classes, please contact us and we will add them to this page.
Southeastern Illinois College
3575 College Rd.,
Harrisburg, IL 62946
(618) 252-5400
To become a nursing assistant, you must be able to complete a CNA training program. It is very important that before you handle any patients, you must have the proper education and training. You can see that the programs in the state are being offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and community training centers. The state requires that you must be at least 16 years old to become a nursing assistant.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be spending most of your time in classroom for lessons on different topics such as infection control, mental health, medical terms, and rehabilitation. You will also be trained in the different nursing skills that you will be using to take care of your patients. Examples of such skills include proper hand washing, assisting in different activities such as bathing, feeding, dressing, ambulating, toileting, performing ROM exercises, as well as emergency procedures.
For those of you who have finished the required number of hours in a state approve nursing assistant training program, you can now apply for the license examination. During application you will be asked to provide your transcript of records showing your completion of the program and that you have completed the required number of hours, along with a background check and application. You will need to take this exam since it is the only way for you to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Only those whose names are on the registry will be allowed to work in a nursing facility. You can contact them with any questions you might have by calling 217-785-5133
Harrisburg is the county seat of Saline County. Included in the Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky Tri-State Area, this city is also a primary city of the Harrisburg micropolitan statistical area. You can find that this city is only a few miles from both Evansville and Saint Louis of Missouri. Major highways that you can find serving this city include U.S. Route 45, State Routes 13, 145, and 34. This city is sometimes called as the “Gateway to the Shawnee National Forest, The Burg, or the City on the Hill”. According to the census of 2010, their estimated population and population density were 9,017 and 1,580.3 per square mile. Harrisburg’s total area is approximately 6.4 sq miles, where 0.2 square miles of it is water.
The Harrisburg Hospital is the main health care center that is serving this city. Other facilities that you can find in the area include Bradford House Partial Hospitalization Program, Harrisburg Family Healthcare, Ferrell Hospital Family Practice, Primary Care Group, Heartland Women’s Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov