The health care centers in Easton, Maryland that are listed below offer the most recent certified nursing assistant training that you can enroll in. For more information about program curriculum, the cost of instruction, or certification requirements please call the number provided below.
Genesis Eldercare-The Pines
610 Dutchmans Lane, Easton, MD 21601
(410) 822-4000
For you to become a certified nursing assistant in Maryland, you must first pass a training program. The training program will last for about 2 to 6 months. After finishing the training program, you can then take an examination to get your license to practice. The license will be valid up to two years. You will need to pay a small $40 fee every two years in order to renew. The registry is maintained by the MD Board of Nursing and you can call them at 410-585-1990 to speak with an administrator for assistance.
The state of Maryland does not allow any individual to work as a nursing assistant without a certification. Certifications are only given to those who are able to comply with both the Federal and State law and whose names are on the Registry. Facilities or agencies are required to check the applicant’s validity before they hire them. Since the state no longer issues any certification cards as of April 2007, validation will have to be done by either online or calling the verification phone line at (410) 585-1994.
When you verify online, there are certain criteria that you may use when looking up an individual. You may either use:
1. Simply the Last name of the individual
2. The complete name
3. The License number only
4. The Last name and the License number
Aside from those, you can also indicate his or her profession and license type. If you are unsure of the spelling of the name, you can add an asterisk (*) before and/or after the name or the part of the name that you are unsure of. By doing this, you will perform a “wildcard” search.
This is a city that is a part of Talbot County. It is also the seat of government there. The town was founded in 1710 and is also known as E town or Dodge City. According to the last census that was taken there, their total population was at 16,708 people. It has a total area of about 10.4 sq miles, where only 0.1 square miles of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be at 1,137.6/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include The Medical Clinic PA, Shore Health System, MD Statewide Health Network, Chase Brexton Health Services, Shore Home Care Home Health, Digestive Health Center, Channel Marker Inc., Partners In Care, Dickinson Medical Group, Advanced Dialysis Center, Mid-Shore Women’s Health LLC, Eastern Shore Psychological SE, and many more.