You can locate nursing assistant training facilities in Clarksville, Indiana that are open for enrollment listed below. If you have any questions about the cost of their certification programs, course curriculum, or class schedules, feel free to call the number provided to speak with a school representative.
Top Care Certified
1211 Applegate Lane, Clarksville, IN 47129
(812) 920-0500
The completion of a state-certified training program is one of the most important requirements that you must meet in the process of becoming a nursing assistant. It is doesn’t take that long to become a nursing assistant in the state of Iowa. Most of the training programs in this state can be completed within a matter of few weeks. You can find that the programs in the state are offered by different institutions. State certified programs are required by the state to offer a minimum of 105 training hours, where 75 of those hours will be allocated to the clinical rotations. Before you go to the clinical area for your duties, you will be spending a total of 30 hours of classrooms for lessons and skills training. When you are finally there, you will be under the care of a RN or another qualified member of the healthcare team.
Once you are through with your training, the next step for you do is to request for the Final Examination Application form from your training center. Once you completed and submitted that application that up you can then send it to the board and wait for confirmation to take the license exams. The exams will be composed of an oral, a written and a practical part. Most of the exams will last for up to an hour but can also exceed that depending on several factors. Finishing the exams is mandatory before you can be listed as eligible to work on the Indiana State Nurse Aide Registry.
This town is a part of Clark County. You can find it along the Ohio River. It is included in the Louisville Metropolitan area. This town was founded back in 1783 and is considered as the oldest American town that is located in the Northwestern territory. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 21,724 people. It has a population density of 2,121/sq mile. The total area of this town is approximately 10.18 sq miles, where 0.2 square miles of it is water.
Health care facilities that are located in the town include Take Care Clinic, Greentree Primary Care LLC, Community Medical Associates, Norton Community Medical Associates, Right at Home, Business Health Plus, Norton Immediate Care Center, Westminster Village Kentuckiana – Health Care Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom