Below are the schools in Tumwater, Washington that are instructing students to become nursing assistants. Courses will help prepare you for the state exams and teach you how to handle patients while working in a health care facility.
New Market Vocational Skills Center
7299 New Market Street,
Tumwater, WA 98501
(360) 570-4434
One can only work as a nurse aide in Washington is if your name is on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry and have a CNA certification that’s issued by the Department of Health. Getting your name on the NAR means that you’ll have to successfully complete a state-approved training course and pass the NNAAP examination. In between, you’ll also be required to undergo physical and medical exams, and get fingerprinted for the criminal background checks.
The most common way of learning how to become a nursing assistant is to attend a state-approved nurse aide program. These programs are offered by hospitals, nursing homes, community colleges, high schools, technical and vocational schools, private training facilities, and government organizations all over the state. When selecting a program, you just need to make sure that you choose a program that’s approved by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to ensure that you’ll be allowed to take the NNAAP exam.
An approved program consists of at least 35 hours of classroom instructions and 50 hours of practical training while under the supervision of a registered nurse. Approved programs are required to be headed by a licensed nurse with sufficient experience working in a long-term care facility.
Nurse aides are currently in demand all over the country. Because of this high demand, even people who trained in other health care professions now want to work in this field. Registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, medics, military-trained corpsmen, nursing students/graduates, and others who completed other health-related training programs may apply for the NNAAP exam. They have to show proof of their training and education to the Nurse Aide Registry before submitting their applications for NNAAP exam.
The NNAAP exam is divided into a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. The knowledge test is initially given as a written test, but candidates who have trouble reading can request for an oral exam instead. Candidates are given a maximum of 2 hours to answer all questions and 25 minutes to perform all required nursing procedure.
If a candidate passes both tests, then his name will be added to the Nurse Aide Registry. The exam results are normally released on the same day if there are not technical problems. Once your name is entered into the Registry you’ll then be able to apply for a certification from the DOH. You can check your status by call the NAR at (360) 236-4700.
This city can be located in Thurston County. The city was originally known as New Market back in 1846 by a group led by Michael Simmons and George Bush. Tumwater is also known as Washington’s First Community. According to the census of 2010, they had a total population of 17,371 people. It has a total area of 14.49 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,212.9/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that are in Tumwater include Urgent Care of Olympia, Tumwater Meadows Adult Family Home, Acupuncture Clinic-Bing Zhou, Tumwater Family Practice Clinic, Behavioral Health Resources, and Washington Health Care Association. photo attribution: ufv