The college classes located in Takoma Park, Maryland that are listed below offer the currently available certified nursing assistant schools that are open for enrollment. For any questions you have about class cost, schedules, or certification requirements, please call the phone number below.
Montgomery College
7600 Takoma Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912
(240) 567-5508
If you want to become a certified nursing assistant you will need to complete a training program. You have to make sure that the training program is approved by the state of Maryland and offers the correct amount of training. After you finish your class requirement you will want to schedule a time to take the license exams. The exams are conducted by the MD Geriatric Nursing Assistant Testing Service. You will need to consent to a criminal background screening, submit a form, and pay a certification fee.
Once you pass the test you will be considered certified and added to the state registry. Your inclusion on the registry is good for two years, and you will need to submit a renewal fee to remain in good standing. If you graduated and passed an exam in another state, you may apply for reciprocity in Maryland so you can work as a certified nursing assistant in the state. Your license will be valid for up to two years. You can call the MD Board of nursing to speak with a representative about additional questions you have at 410-585-1990.
If you want to work in a comprehensive care facility then you will need to get a Geriatric Nurse Assistant license/certification. Since a GNA certification is an advance degree, you will need to become a licensed nurse aide first before you can get one. To become one, you must undergo a GNA training course that is offered by a state-certified training facility. These courses will take a total of 60 hours of training. Your training will be composed of lectures and clinical experiences. There will also be an exam that you must take before you can apply for the GNA Registry. The exams are offered through the Susquehanna Red Cross by the MDGNATS. If you pass all their tests, they will be the ones who will notify the Board. It will be the Board of Nursing who will give you your certification, and not the testing center. Your certification will be valid for 2 years, which is less for the initial certification. Its expiration date is the same as your license, which is on the 28th day of the holder’s birth month.
This city is situated in Montgomery County. Although a part of Maryland, it is considered as a suburb of Washington, D.C and is included in their metropolitan area. The city was founded back in 1890 and was sometimes called as “Azalea City”. It was founded by Benjamin Franklin Gilbert. According to the census of 2010, their total population was at 16,715 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.36 sq miles and has a population density of 7,100/sq mile.
The Washington Adventist Hospital and the Adventist HealthCare are two of the largest employers in the city. Other health care centers that you can find in the area include Youth In Transition Program, Washington Adventist University – Health Services, Early Health Care Giver Inc., Compassionate Healthcare Inc., Adventist Healthcare Cardiopulmary Rehab, Teen Connection of Takoma Inc., Community Clinic, Takoma Family Health Center, and many more.