The certified nursing assistant schools in Sanford, Florida that are shown on this page offer all of the state approved programs that are currently available. For more information about the cost of instruction, class curriculum, or program schedules, feel free to call the phone number below.
Academy of Health Careers
2701 Ridgewood Avenue,
Sanford, Florida 32773
(407) 320-5063
Seminole Community College
100 Weldon Blvd.,
Sanford, Florida 32773
(407) 328-4722
Taking the license exams for this state is the final step in becoming a nursing assistant. This is an important step since you cannot work in Florida as a nursing assistant if you do not have a CNA license. Before you can take the exams you have to apply first but to be eligible you must complete a training program that is certified by the state. You must also be free of records that may prevent you from working as a nursing assistant like thefts or violence. The background checks will be done at both federal and state levels.
After you get permission to take the exams, your fist test will be the written portion. In this part, you will be given 90 minutes to answer all the questions. The exam will have 60 multiple-choice questions where 10 of them will be pretest questions. These 10 will not be scored since they are placed there for statistical purposes. You topics will cover about the different roles of a nursing assistant, how to promote safety, and how to promote the resident’s function and health.
In the skills evaluation, a nurse aide evaluation will observe you as you perform 5 randomly selected nursing procedures. These procedures will be selected by a computer from a list of 22 nursing procedures. You will be shown the list and the checkpoints for each procedure before the start of the exam. These checkpoints will serve as a basis for scoring you if you performed each procedure satisfactorily.
This city is the county seat of Seminole County. It is included in the Orlando–Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area. Sanford is also a well-known agricultural city. According to the census of 2009, their total population had reached up to 50,998 residents. It has a total area of approximately 22.60 sq miles, where more than 3 miles of it is water. It has a population density of 2,004.1/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Seminole Community Mental Health Center, Family Psychiatric Services, Halifax Health Services LLC, Hallmark Health Care Services, Choices-Changes Counseling Center, CORA Rehabilitation Clinics, Cancer Hot Line, and STD Test Express. photo attribution: departmentofed