The nursing assistant schools enrolling in training in Lewiston, Idaho are listed on this page. This certification instruction has been approved by the state of Idaho. If you have any questions about how you can attend their classes, just call the facility contact number provided below.
Lewis Clark State College at the North Lewiston Training Center
1920 3rd Ave. North,
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Region 2 Academy Health Professions Program
P.O. Box 1414,
Lewiston, ID 83501
The completion of a training program is one of the most important requirements to take the license exams. Without this, you will not be able to apply for this state’s exams. In selecting for a program to enroll in, you should make sure that the program is approved by the state. These programs must offer their students a minimum of 120 hours of training, which will be composed of 80 hours of classroom lectures and 40 hours of clinical instructions. When you are in the clinical area, you will be placed under the supervision of a registered nurse or another member of the healthcare team. A typical course takes approximately two to six months to complete depending on your time constraints and the program itself.
Once you are through with your training, you can then proceed and apply for the CNA competency exams. The license exams for this state are made of two parts, a written and a skills demonstration. In the written exams, you will be given 90 minutes to answer all 60 multiple-choice questions. Ass for the second part, you will be given a scenario where you will perform the asked procedures while being observed by a Nurse Aide Evaluator. You must pass all the exams to get your license.
The nurse aide license in this state must be renewed every two years. You must keep your name in the registry to be able to work in this state. In the event that you lost your license, you are required to call the registry to get a new one. If you have any questions, you can call the registry at (800) 748-2480 or locally at 334-6620)or send them an email at
This city is the county seat of Nez Perce County. It is ranked 2nd as the largest city in the northern portion of Idaho. It is also ranked as 9th in the entire state. You can find Lewiston where the Snake River and Clearwater River meet. It is only a few miles northeast from Lower Granite Dam. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 31,894 people. It its population density is around 1,873.0/sq mile. Lewiston has a total area of about 17.2 sq miles.
Health care providers that you can find serving this city include Clearwater Medical Clinic, Ruddell Chiropractic Clinic, Health Dept-North Central District, General Nutrition Center, Lewiston Orthopaedic Associates PA, Dr. Glenn Nicholas, D.C., Lewis & Clark Health Center, Valley Medical Center PLLC, Valley Medical Express Care, Confluence Sleep & Pulmonary LLC, and Integrated Health Care. photo attribution: ufv