The nursing assistant schools in Largo, Florida that are shown on this page are all the state licensed programs that you can enroll in as of the moment. Use one of the phone numbers of the training facilities listed below to get details about the cost of instruction, class schedules, and curriculum requirements.
Largo High School Nursing Assistant Program
410 Missouri Avenue,
Largo, FL 33770
(727) 588-3758
Christian International School Of Health
300 East Bay Drive
Largo, FL 33770
The state does not allow its nursing assistants to work in any healthcare center if they do not have a CNA license. This means that taking on the license exams after receiving the proper training from a state-approved program is a necessary step in becoming a nursing assistant. Aside from the completion of the training program, another important requirement is passing the background checks. Having records such as theft or violence may be used as grounds to reject your application. Other requirements for the license exams include passing the necessary documents like the completed application forms, transcript or records, fingerprint cards, ID photo, and the payment for the different fees.
After you get approval from the state, you can then take on the license exams. The exams for this state are composed of a written and a knowledge demonstration of the different skills you have learned in your training. In order to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you must pass both parts of the exams. If you pass, you will receive a notice along with your certification 14 days after you have taken the exams. If your documents were not complete when you applied, this may cause a delay in the release of your results. Keep in mind that failing in any part of the test will not make you eligible for any refunds. There is also no partial passing for any exam so this means you have to retake all exams if you fail.
This city is a part of Pinellas County. It is considered as the 3rd largest city in the county. It is also included in the Tampa Bay Area. According to the census of 2005, their total population had reached up to 74,473 residents. It has a total area of about 16.1 sq miles, and has a population density of 4,625.65/sq mile.
The Largo Medical Center, Diagnostic Clinic, and Sun Coast Hospital are three of the largest employers in the city. Other health care facilities that you can find there include Indian Rocks Medical Center, Quality of Life Home Health Service, Arbor Medical Staffing, St Michaels Eye and Laser Institute, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed