You can find the nursing assistant schools that have met the Board of Nursing standards and are found in Ely, Nevada listed on this page. Enrolling in a course and finishing it will make you eligible for the license exams which are required in order to work in this state. Call to learn more about course curriculum and sign-up requirements.
White Pine County School District
1800 Bobcat Dr.
Ely, NV 89301
(775) 289-4851
(Classes are offered to high school students only)
Aspiring nurse aides in Nevada will need to undergo a training course that meets the specifications set by the Board of Nursing, submit identifying documentation and pass the competency examinations. Courses will provide the basic fundamentals skills required to care for residents of a care facility or patients in a hospital under the guidance of a registered nurse. The program will typically take from 8 to 13 weeks to finish and cost around $1000. As a rule programs must offer the minimum 75 hours of training that includes theory and hands-on task practice.
All applicants for the Nursing Aide Registry, whether you are applying after passing the license exams or through Interstate Endorsement, are required to complete and submit a fingerprint card. These cards are required for the criminal background checks. Passing the background checks is one of the most important things to complete before you can become a nursing aide.
These cards are provided by the Nevada State Board of Nursing. For those who are already in the state, they may submit their fingerprints via electronic transmission. This is only available for those who get their fingerprints taken within the state of Nevada. To complete a fingerprint card, you will need to provide necessary personal information such as your complete name, signature, your address, date of birth, and your social security number. You must make sure that you completed the card before you submit it. Incomplete cards will not be processed and will be sent back to the applicant. Cards that were completed illegible will also not be processed.
If you send your card, you will also need to send the necessary processing fee. For those who submitted their cards electronically, they will instead pay the fees to the agency or facility that took their fingerprints. For more information, please follow this link:
Ely is the county seat of White Pine County. With at total area of approximately 7.1 sq miles, it is considered as the largest city in the county. According to the 2010 census, their total population is at 4,255 residents. Ely has a population density of 595.7/sq mile. A major road that is serving include U.S. Route 6, U.S. Route 50, and U.S. Route 93. Cities that border this place include Eurek, Delta, Pioche, Wells and West Wendover.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Ely Mental Health Center – Ely Community Counseling Center (775) 289-1671, Home Health Services of Nevada (775) 289-2611, William Bee Ririe Hospital (775) 289-3001, and William Bee Ririe Hospital Rural Health Clinic (775) 289-3612. photo attribution: anitakhart