The certified nursing assistant training courses that are listed in detail on this page are all that are available in Shoshoni, Wyoming as of the moment. If you have any questions or want some clarifications, do not hesitate to call the number provided.
Shoshoni High School
123 West 3rd,
Shoshoni High School
Sponsoring Organization and Contact Information:
Fremont County BOCES
320 West Main St
3rd Floor
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-2028
Fax: (307) 856-4058
The first step that one must take in becoming a certified nursing assistant is to look for a suitable training program to enroll in. These programs are offered by various healthcare institutions and training facilities everywhere. However, one must first ensure that the program that’s being offered is approved by either the DOH or Board of Nursing.
The Wyoming State Board of Nursing or WSBN required training programs offered within the state to last a minimum of 105 hours. Seventy-five (75) of the total hours must be allocated for classroom and lab instructions, while another sixteen (16) hours should be for hands-on training. Before students are allowed to handle the patients, they are to first spend the 16 hours learning the basic nursing concepts and skills.
After a candidate completes his or her training, that candidate will be allowed to apply for the place on the Nurse Aide Registry by submitting the application form ( and paying the application fee of $60. The Nurse Aide Registry will hold the application for up to 1 year after completing his/her training. Within that time, a candidate must clear the criminal background checks and pass the competency exams. The WSBN recommends that applicants should immediately schedule for an exam date and request the background checks as soon as they submit their applications for the NAR.
The competency exams are divided into two parts – a written test and a manual skills exam. The written exam may be replaced with an oral exam if the applicant has trouble reading. Applicants also have the option to choose whether they should take the written (or oral) exam in Spanish or in English. The NAR will be informed once a candidate has passed both tests and will immediately enter that candidate’s name on the Registry.
To check your status on the Nurse Aide Registry, just go to this link: You’ll be able to check other certification statuses on the registry as well. Employers will always check an applicant’s certification before hiring them.
Your record on the Nurse Aide Registry must be kept updated. Avoid jeopardizing your status and certification by informing the Registry if you changed your name, address, or social security number by calling the DOH’S Office of Healthcare Licensing and Surveys at (307) 777-7123.
A nurse aide who can find work within one year after getting certified may get partial or full reimbursement. In accordance with federal law, those who were already employed prior to enrolling in a CNA program may not be charged for testing and training costs. All fees need to be paid by the employer. For more information, certified nurse aides will have to contact their employer for more information regarding this.
The town of Shoshoni is a part of Fremont County. The town’s name was derived from the word Shoshone, which is a tribe of Native Americans who lived on the nearby Wind River Indian Reservation. This town has a total area of 3.58 square miles, which is all land. The last census taken showed that the total population of the town was around 664 people.
You might be thinking that with this number of people, you won’t have the chance to work in this town, especially if there are a lot of you competing for the job. Well, not to worry though; your certification will let you work as a CNA anywhere within the state so long as you keep your name on the NAR. You might also find opportunities to work in other states; if so, all you have to do to start working there is to apply for endorsement. Since each state has its own requirement for endorsement. You’ll have to contact their DOH or Board of Nursing to find out what their requirements are.