The schools that are currently offering nursing assistant programs that are available for enrollment in Sterling, Illinois are show in detail below. To find out more about their classes, like schedules, tuition and enrollment dates, just call the phone number below.
Whiteside Area Career Center
1608 5th Ave.,
Sterling, IL 61081
(815) 626-5810
Those who desire to become employed as nurse aides will need to meet several different requirements in order to work. Among the different requirements to become a nursing assistant in Illinois, the most important among them are the completion of a state-approved training program and passing the background checks. For the state of Illinois, classes must have at least 40 hours of clinical experience before you can apply for the certification exam. The background checks are done at both federal and state levels. Without those two requirements, you will not become eligible and be able to take the exams.
Taking the license exams is a necessary step since it is one way for you to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The only people who are allowed to work as a CNA even if their names are not on the registry are the active RNs from the state. To get your name entered in the registry, you will have to pass both the written and the skills demonstration exams. RNs from other states will have to be checked by the registry before they can work as a nursing assistant. This rule also applies for those certified nursing assistants that come from other states. They are required to apply for reciprocity before they will be allowed to work in a nursing home. For more information, please visit this site:
This city is a part of Whiteside County. It was once known as “The Hardware Capital of the World” because of the number of manufacturing and steel industries that they had there. You can find this city on the northern bank of the Rock River. The name of this city was taken from its mayor, Major James Sterling. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 15,370 people and had a population density of ,307.0 / sq mile. The total area of this city is approximately 4.9 sq miles.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Cgh Wound Healing Center, CGH Medical Center, Northwestern Illinois Assoc Hearing Clinic, Cgh Family Practice Center, Agape Care Team, Lutheran General Hospital – Advocate Home Health Services, Genesis Healthcare Inc., Suchanick Helen Mc DO,Cgh Professional Building, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov