Schools enrolling for nursing assistant programs in Ligonier, Indiana are shared here. The course below are all ISDH Registry authorized and are open to the public for enrollment. Speak to a program coordinator by calling the facility to learn how you can receive instruction and be eligible to take the certification exams.
Avalon Village
200 Kingston Circle,
Ligonier, IN 46767
(260) 894-7131
More and more people want to find out how to become a nursing assistant. One of the first things that you need to do is to be able to graduate from CNA classes. To make certain that you will receive top quality education and training, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. A nurse aide will be tasked to apply the most basic nursing skills in taking care of their patients. These programs are required by the state to offer their students at least 105 training hours, which will be divided into 30 hours of lectures and 75 hours of clinical duties.
After when you graduate from the program, you can then ask your training center for the license exams application form. Once you are through filling it up, you can send your form along with the needed documents to the board. You should wait to get the approval before you pay the exam fees at Ivy Tech Community College. Taking on the exams is an important step since the state does not allow any nursing aide to work if their name is not entered in the Registry. To get it there, you will need to pass all the tests in the license exams. Once there, you need to maintain that status by renewing your license every two years if you want to continue your work. Your license can be renewed with at least 8 hours of work every two years to maintain a good standing with the Indiana State Department of Health.
This city is included in Noble County. It is located within Perry Township. According to the latest census, their total population was around 4,405 residents. It has a total area of approximately 2.31 sq miles, where all of it is land. The population density of this city is estimated to be around 1,936.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are situated within the city include Hirschler Lenora MD, Stone Robert C MD, Smith John P MD, PrimeCare, Hirschler, Lenora MD , Sroufe Healthcare Products Inc., and Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens. photo attribution: codnewsroom