The certified nursing assistant training centers in Denison, Texas are all listed here. The list includes all the high schools, colleges, and health care training classes currently being offered.
Grayson County College Certified Nurse Aide Program
6101 Grayson Dr.,
Denison, TX 75020
(903) 465-6030
(Multiple classes are being offered here)
If you want to work in the state of Texas as a nursing assistant then you must first be equipped with the skills and knowledge that you will use when you take care of the patients. To do that, you are required to undergo training in a state-approved nurse aide course. Once you are done, you will then take on the state license exams in order to get your license. When you enroll in a class program you will need to take a certain amount of hourly instruction. This is currently set at at least 75 hours of instruction that includes 51 classroom hours with theoretical instruction and 24 hours of clinical skills practice.
After you have finished the school requirement you will want to set a time and place to take the exams to receive your certification. Your school facility can help arrange this or you can call the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services. NACES can be reached toll free at 1-800-444-5178 to help you find a test site. During your competency exam you will need to answer a multiple choice part and complete a physical skills demonstration. You must pass both portions within three tries in order to become actively listed as a registered nurse aide and capable of working long term in health centers.
After you successfully pass the training and pass the examination it will take about 4 to 6 weeks to receive your certification. You can check on the status of your license by calling the automated help line at 1-800-452-3934. Once on the call you will be required to enter your Social Security number to be granted access to your personal information.
The city of Denison is located in Grayson County. It is one of the two-primary cities of the Sherman-Denison Metropolitan Statistical Area. Founded in 1872, it was named after vice president George Denison. As of the 2009 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 24,127 people. It has a population density of 1,067.5/sq mile. The total area of Denison is approximately 22.9 sq miles, where only 0.3 square miles of it is water.
Examples of health care providers that are found serving this city include Mental Health Mental Retardation Services of Texoma, TMC Community Health Center, Greater Texoma Health Clinic, Sunrise Home Health Services, Legacy Health Care, Denison Dialysis Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom