The certified nursing assistant classes in Paducah, Kentucky that are open for enrollment as of the making of this page are listed here. If you have any questions about signing up for a state approved nursing assistant training course, please call the facility number listed below.
West Kentucky Community and Technical College
4810 Alben Barkley Drive,
Paducah, KY 42002
(270) 554-9200
If you want to become a nursing assistant in the state of Kentucky, then you should become familiar with the requirements before enrolling with a school. There are several ways for you to become a nursing assistant in the state of Kentucky. One of the fastest methods is to enroll in a training program that is approved by the state. The training programs that are approved by the state are the ones that offer the curriculum that is required and the proper amount of hours of instruction. This program is necessary for you to become eligible to take the license exams. You can contact Vicki Barber at Kentucky Health Choices to verify a program is approved at 502-564-5707.
Taking the exams is the only way for you to get your name entered in the Nurse Aide Registry. The exams for this state are composed of a written and a practical demonstration of your nursing skills. To apply, you will need to submit fingerprint cards, government-issued ID, TB test results, as well as your immunization records. To get your name entered in the registry, you must be able to pass both the tests. Once it is there, you must maintain that status in order to remain eligible to work in the state as a CNA. The licenses in Kentucky need to be renewed every two years. The renewal date is the date on which you passed the exams. Your status is maintained in good standing by working as a nurse aide for at least eight hours every twenty-four months.
This city is the county seat of McCracken County. It can be found where the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers meet. It is also located in between St. Louis, Missouri and Nashville, Tennessee. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 25,024. It has a population density of 1,251.0 people per square mile. This city is considered as a hub for the Paducah Micropolitan Area. Major roads that you can access from the area include Interstates 24, U.S. Routes 60, 45, and 62.
The Western Baptist Hospital and the Lourdes Hospital are the first and second biggest employers that are found in the city. Other health care centers that are currently located in the area include Lourdes Behavioral Health Center, St Nicholas Family Clinic, Riney Family Practice, Birk Grove Life Center, Baptist Prime Care Center, Redicare, Norton Healthcare, Four Rivers Clinical Research, Healthcare Systems Management, and many more. photo attribution: dougtone