The certified nursing assistant classes in Anderson, Indiana that are currently offering enrollment are listed here. The instruction courses shown have all been approved by the ISDH registry. If you have any inquiries about their certification training programs, please call the number below and speak with a facility specialist.
Bethany Pointe Health Campus
1707 Bethany Road,
Anderson, IN 46012
(765) 622-1211
Ebbertt Education Center
325 West 38th Street,
Anderson, IN 46013
(765) 641-2121
Nurse aides generally work under the supervision of a registered nurse in a health care facility. Most are employed at long term care centers such as nursing facilities, psychiatric institutions, and homes for persons with special needs. As a part of the support staff you will be providing general assistance and health care including restorative care and maintenance care. Often you will be tasked with taking care of a residents daily needs and helping to assist them when required. Becoming a certified nursing assistant is a great way to join the medical field. There is a great demand for health care personnel due to the steady increase in population and it is a recession proof career choice.
If you are planning to become a nursing assistant, your first step is to select a training program to enroll in. When you are selecting, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state to ensure that you will receive top quality training. This is also to ensure that you will be allowed to apply for the final exams. Aside from enrolling in a nursing assistant program, those who enrolled in a nursing program can also apply for the exams if they met the requirements. To apply, you have to send your application form with the necessary documents to the board. You can get a copy of the forms from the training center you enrolled in. One of the most important things to have to become a nursing assistant is to be able to pass the background checks. Passing the checks is not a requirement to be a CNA but is a law of the state.
The license exams for this state are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College. Their exams are composed of a written exam and a skills demonstration. You will need to pass all the tests to get your name entered in the Registry. Only those whose names are on the registry will be allowed to work in a nursing facility as a nursing assistant.
This city is the county seat of Madison County. The name of this city was taken from a Chief whose name was William Anderson. This city is included in the Anderson, Indiana Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the latest census that was taken there, their total population was around 56,129 people. It has a total area of about 41.48 sq miles, where only 0.11 square miles of it is water. It has a population density of 1,492/sq mile.
Health care providers that are in the area include Countryside Manor Healthcare Center, Saint John’s Health System, Community Hospital – Emergency Department, Life masters, Monticello House, Family Counseling Center Inc., Comfort Health Care Therapy, Medcheck of Community Health Network, Chesterfield Health Center, North Anderson Chiropractic, Meadowbrooke Rehabilitation Center & Suites, The Center for Mental Health, Genoa Healthcare Center for Mental Health, and Saint John’s Children Clinic.