Are you looking for schools in Litchfield, Illinois that are enrolling students for certified nurse aide training classes right now? Call the facility phone number listed below to speak with a school representative to get info about the cost to enroll, training curriculum, class schedules, and requirements.
Lincoln Land Community College
#1 Lincoln Land Drive,
Litchfield, IL 62056
(217) 324-2090
If you plan to enter the medical field, you should enter as a nursing assistant. This is one of the most in-demand professions in the medical industry today. With the increasing demand, there will always be work ready for fresh graduates. Compared to other career options, becoming a CNA is less costly and takes up less of your time. Depending on the program’s schedules, you can complete your training in a matter of 24 weeks or less. Currently the state requires you have at least 40 hours of clinical duties in a nursing facility before you can take the examination.
Once you complete your training, the next step for you is to apply for and pass the license exams. These exams are conducted by different institutions and are composed of a written and a skills evaluation exam. If you pass all the exams, your name will be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Only those whose names are on the registry will be allowed to work in a healthcare setting as a nursing assistant. This state offers reciprocity to nurse aides from others states. When they apply, all they need to do is to provide proof of their training and the appropriate forms. You can get these forms at When applying, the applicant must have a valid license and a good relationship with his or her state.
This city is a part of Montgomery County. You can find this city in south central Illinois. It is only a few miles south of Springfield and is on the northern edge of the Greater St. Louis Metro-East area. The last census taken in the city showed a total population of around 6,815 people and a population density of 1,338.5 / sq mile. The total area of Litchfield is approximately 5.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are located in the city include Alton Orthopedic Clinic, Springfield Clinic at St. Francis Hospital Specialty Clinic, DaVita Litchfield, Montgomery County Surgical Associates, Physician Specialty Center, Litchfield Family Practice Center, Litchfield Oncology Institute, Plastic & Hand Surgery Associates, and plenty more. If you know of other state licensed programs that are being offered in this town, please contact us and we will add them to the page. photo attribution: codnewsroom