Schools that teach nurse aide training in East St. Louis, Illinois are listed on this page. These are all the nursing assistant programs that are available in the city as of the moment. Classes included below are all programs that are approved by the state of Illinois.
East St Louis Senior High School
4901 State St.,
East St Louis, IL 62205
(618) 646-3700
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to enrolling in a CNA training course. When you are still looking for a program to enroll in, you should keep in mind that only those who completed a certified program are allowed to apply for the license exams. The training programs in this state are offered by community training centers, technical colleges, and other educational institutions. Depending on the programs schedules, it will take you an average of 6 months.
For a program to be certified, it must offer its students a minimum of 40 hours of training, which should already include the needed course work. As a student, you will already have to chance to experience what it is really like at a healthcare setting. The clinical rotations are believed to provide a solid foundation for its students. When they are in the clinical area, the students will be placed under the supervision of a registered nurse.
After getting all the knowledge and training that you will need as a nursing assistant, you will then be tested when take on the state’s competency exam. The competency exams for this state have a written and a skills demonstration exam. In order to get your name entered in the online registry, you must pass all the tests.
This city is a part of St. Clair County. You can find this city directly across from the Mississippi River. It is considered as the 4th largest city in the state. According to the 2010 census, their total population was at 27,006 people. Its current estimated population density is around 1,929 / sq mile. This city has an approximated total area of 14.4 sq miles, where 0.4 square miles of it is water.
Health care providers that are serving this city include Ssm Corporate Health Service, St Louis Wellness Center, Premier Health Care LLC, Jwh Healthcare Services, Pilcher Linda Psychologist, Passport Health Communications, Fiserv-Integrasys Health Care, The Lewis And Clark Institute, Alliance On Mental Illness, People’s Health Centers, Healthcare Management Associates LLC, Total Access Urgent Care, Forest Park Medical Clinic, and Women’s Healthcare Consultants. photo attribution: codnewsroom