Information about enrolling in a nurses aide training course in Decatur, Indiana are offered on this page. These are all of the state approved training facilities that are open for enrollment at this time. Included in the list are private schools, community colleges, high schools and health care training centers that teach nursing assistant instruction.
North Adams Vocational Area 18
625 Stadium Drive,
Decatur, IN 46733
(260) 724-2145
If you are planning on becoming a nursing aide, you should know what the different requirements are. According to the state and federal rules, you must first be able to complete a state-certified nurse aide training program. These programs are found all over the state and are offered by different institutions such as colleges, and community training centers. To complete a program, you must have at least 75 hours of clinical training and 30 hours of classroom lessons.
If you have enrolled in a nursing program like LPN you can also apply for the license exams if you have completed or gained enough credits in nursing studies. If you received your training from a different state then your training must first be approved by the board before you area allowed to apply for the exams. The license exams for this state are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College. This is where you should submit your applications along with the necessary documents and payment for the testing fees. Their exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. You are required to pass all the test to get your name entered in the state’s registry. Your training facility can help you schedule a date to take the certification exams or you can call to schedule an appointment yourself by calling Ivy Tech Community College at 317-917-5948.
This city can be found in both Root and Washington Township. The two townships are found in Adams County. Aside from that, Decatur also serves as the seat of government for Adams County. The city was named after Stephen Decatur, Jr., who was a war hero and an original captain of first frigates of the U.S. Navy. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 9,405 people. It has a total area of approximately 5.783 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. The population density of the city was estimated to be around 1,937/sq miles.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Behavioral Health, Park Center-Decatur Counseling Service, Tri Counties Dialysis Center, Hometown Healthcare PC, Jay County Hospital, Indiana Surgical Specialists LLC, Northeast Foot & Ankle Clinic, Adams County Family Practice, and Medical Group of Ft Wayne. photo attribution: codnewsroom