The certified nursing assistant training programs in Coleman, Texas that are shown to you here have all the information that you will need to become certified in this state. Call the program administrator from the phone number below to get the latest details about class curriculum, schedules, and requirements.
Holiday Hill Inc.
245 State HWY 153 West,
Coleman, TX 76834
(325) 625-4157
To become certified to work you will need to complete a school nurse aide course and pass the two-part competency exam to be placed on the state registry. Before you enroll in a CNA training program, you should make sure that is approved by the state of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. There are plenty of facilities that offer the opportunity to become a nursing assistant. When you enroll, you should be physically fit to take care of the patients. Schools and nursing homes frequently require a physical exam and always require a state and federal criminal background check to qualify.
Once you finish the class program, you can then try to apply for the license exams. The exam is split into two different portions which are a written and skills test. The skills test will challenge you to demonstrate 5 nursing aide skills chosen randomly in a medical setting. The written part is a multiple choice test with 70 procedural problems. To find a location to take the test you can contact NACES at 1-800-444-5178 or (512) 467-0615.
If you happen to be a nursing assistant who is certified in another state and still in active standing you may be able to work in Texas by applying for reciprocity. To qualify you will need to submit Department of Aging and Disability (DADS) required documentation. You can contact their support line at 512-438-5495 for additional information.
Those who desire to check the current status of their nursing assistant certification can do so by calling the automated phone line. It can be reached by calling 1-800-452-3934 and entering your Social Security number for identity verification to receive access to the information.
Coleman is the county seat of Coleman County, Texas. As of the latest census, their total population had reached up to a total of 5,127 people and a population density of 831.9/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 6.2 sq miles; all of it is land.
Examples of health care providers and clinics that are located in the area and are willing to serve you include Cms Health Care Inc., Community Health Clinic Inc., Central Texas Mhmr Center, Coleman Healthcare Center, and Emcompass Home Health. photo attribution: codnewsroom