The health care centers found in Westernport, Maryland that are shown on this page offer the most current certified nurse aide school classes that are open for enrollment. Call the facility and speak with a course administrator to discover how you can join their program and gain certification to work.
Moran Manor Health Care Center
25701 Shady Lane, Westernport, MD 21562
(301) 359-3000
The demand for nursing assistants in the state is continuously increasing. That is why this is the best opportunity for you to enter the medical field. Becoming a nursing assistant will not simply limit you to the basic and routine nursing tasked that are delegated by nurses. You will also have the chance to pursue higher degrees by adding advance certifications on top of your certification. According to the law, only those who were certified by the Board are allowed to use the name CNA and work in a healthcare facility.
In order to become licensed, you must be able to complete a certified training course as well as pass the evaluation exams afterwards. The State of Maryland requires that anyone who works as a CNA be properly trained and certified. To receive your certification you need to attend a nursing assistant training program that provides at least 100 hours of classroom instruction & lectures and clinical duties. The training programs will usually last up to 6 months.To qualify to take the exams after you finish training you must submit a testing fee, complete an application, and go through a Criminal History Record Check. The test is held at the Susquehanna Red Cross and is conducted by the Maryland Geriatric Nursing Assistant Testing Service. You can call them to get further details by calling 866-257-6470. After completion, you can then apply to take the nursing assistance license examination. Once you have passed, your license will be valid up to two years.
Nursing students as well as nurses from other countries are also welcome to apply provided that their training meets the standards of both the federal and the state. CNAs from other states are welcome as well to work in Maryland. If they wish to work, then they must first apply for reciprocity. When they apply, their license or certification should still be valid. They must also have a good relationship with their state as well as pass the background checks for criminal records.
This town is situated in Allegany County. You can find it just along the George’s Creek Valley. The earliest settlers that came to the area can be dated back as early as 1758. Back at that time, settlement still did not have a name. It was only in 1774 that the settlers named it as Hardscrabble because of the rocky soil found there. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 2,104. Westernport has a total area of 0.9 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving the town of Westernport include Select Medical, Kingsford Co., Williams R Neil DR, Williams Chiropractic Clinic, Doctors Urgent Care & Family, Morgan, Donna – Moran Manor, Rehab Solutions, DNA Paternity Testing Centers, and many more.