Programs that help prepare students for the nursing assistant certification exam in Salem, Illinois and are currently open for enrollment are shown here. Call the school to get details about enrollment dates, training curriculum, and tuition rates. Those included in the list are all the state approved courses available to you in Salem, IL.
Salem High School
1200 North Broadway,
Salem, IL 62881
(618) 548-0727
If you are thinking on becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois, you should know what the profession is all about. This type of job is best suited for those who love to help others without thinking too much on the financial aspects. If you feel later on that you want to get a higher degree, your experiences from your training will be a great stepping stone. Compared to other careers in the medical field, becoming a nursing assistant is much faster and less costly.
Your first step in becoming a certified is to enroll in CNA classes. When you are selecting a program to enroll in, you should keep in mind to only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you will be allowed to take the exams after you complete your training. Depending on the program you select, you can graduate from the program in a matter of 24 weeks or less. Classes are required to provide at least 40 hours of clinical experience in a health facility setting. Once you are through with the program, you can then send in your application forms and documents for the competency exams. If you pass all the exams, your name will be entered in the online Nurse Aide Registry. This will validate that you are allowed to work in a healthcare facility as a nurse aide.
Salem is the county seat of Marion County. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 7,485 people. It has an estimated population density of 1,296.5 per square mile. The total area of this city reaches about 6.3 square miles, where all of it is land.
Facilities that are involved in health care in the area include Salem Township Hospital, Health Care Management Inc., St Mary’s Good Samaritan Inc., Community Resource Center, Family Health Care Center – Gautam Jha MD, Southern Illinois Dermatology, Southern Illinois Dermatology, Imaging Center Of Salem, Work Safety Institute of St Mary’s Good Samaritan Inc., and many more. photo attribution: usdagov