On this page are listed the schools in Colville, Washington that are offering classes to become a nurse aide. To gain access to the state registry and be eligible to work one will need to pass the training, meet certain requirements and complete the examination.
Pinewood Terrace Nursing Center
P.O. Box 559,
Colville, WA 99114
(509) 684-2573
Enrolling in a state-approved training program is the first thing that you’ll need to do to become a nursing assistant. Although this might seem an easy task, it can sometimes be confusing due to the number of NATPs that were established recently. To ensure that you receive proper training, you must remember to choose a program that’s approved by the state’s Department of Social and Health Services
Approved training programs consist of 35 hours of lectures and 50 hours of supervised clinical practice. Both theory and practical training are taught simultaneously. However, before the students are allowed to handle the patients, they are first required to learn about infection control, communication skills, basic nursing care, personal care, safety and emergency procedures, patients’ rights and independence, as well as the roles and responsibilities of a nursing assistant.
After completing one’s training the next step is to apply for the NNAAP exam. This exam is conducted with the help of Pearson VUE. It consists of a written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. It was designed to determine the competency of nursing assistant candidates all over the United States. If he passes both tests, then his name will be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry.
The Nurse Aide Registry is a complete list of all individuals who are allowed to work as nursing assistants in the state. Once you’re on the Registry, you’ll be allowed to apply for an NA Certificate that’s issued by the DOH. To check your status on the Registry, please call (360) 236-4700. A CNA certification is one of the first things that employers will search for once you apply for work.
Names on the Registry as well as nursing assistant certifications are only temporary. To keep your name on the Registry, you just need to continue working as a paid nursing assistant. Unlike certain states, keeping your name on the Registry isn’t the same as keeping a valid certification. NA Certifications in Washington must be renewed each year. A holder must show proof of employment for at least 8 hours every year to qualify for renewal. No CNA is allowed to continue working with an expired certification. To make thing easier, certified nursing assistants can now renew their certification online by going to this link: http://www.doh.wa.gov/LicensesPermitsandCertificates/ProfessionsNewReneworUpdate/LicenseRenewals.aspx.
This small city is the county seat of Stevens County. It was founded back in 1825 as Fort Colville by John U. Hofstetter. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 4,673 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.4 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,947.1/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include The Healing Arts Center, State of Washington Colville Cso, Northeast Washington Medical Group, Bodywork Central, Fresenius Medical Care, Apria Healthcare, Prime Health, and Colville Medical Center. photo attribution: ufv