Facilities that provide nurse aide training programs in Forsyth, Montana that are being offered as of the making of the page are all listed here. By joining a course you will get in-depth assistance into using the primary tasks utilized on the job and be able to practice them in a clinical setting. Classes will prepare you for the examination and help you learn all of the procedures necessary to successfully be hired.
Rosebud Health Care Center
P.O. Box 268,
Forsyth, MT 59327
(406) 346-2161
If you wish to work in the medical field but have little financial capacity for a health care education, you can try enrolling in a nursing aide training program. Nursing assistants are currently in demand in the state and the time required to finish the course is not as lengthy as other types of medical courses. You will be able to experience working in a health care setting without having to pay much or take a long time doing so. After finishing the program and passing the state competency exam, you will gain your certification and be registered in the state’s nurse aide registry.
According to the law, all individuals who work as a nursing assistant must be registered. The Department of Health is in charge of creating and maintaining a Nurse Aide Registry. The Registry is a complete list of all the CNAs that are in the state. Only those whose names are on the list are allowed to work in a nursing facility.
To be entered on the Registry, you must be able to pass the evaluation exams that are only available to those who completed a state-approved training program. Aside from completing the exams, you must also be able to pass the background checks. These checks are done at federal and state levels. You may check the individual’s status as a nursing assistant by going to https://app.mt.gov/cgi-bin/lookup/licenseLookup.cgi?action=index&occupation=NUR_AIDE.
Once your name is on the Registry, you will need to maintain your status so that you will remain eligible for work. You are required to have worked for at least 8 hours with pay, as a nursing assistant within 24 consecutive months. You will also need to undergo a competency review every year.
This city is the county seat of Rosebud County. It was founded back in 1878 and is the first community on the Yellowstone River. The current city is named after General James William Forsyth, who was in charge of Fort Maginnis during the Indian Wars. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 1,777 residents. The city has a total area of 1.1 sq miles and a population density of 1,759.0/sq mile.
Health care providers whose services you can find in the area include Forsyth Family Medicine, Rosebud Health Care Center – Long Term Care, Crisis Line, Rosebud Health Care Center – Medical Records, Fountain View Care Center, Rosebud Health Care Center Physical Therapy, Eastern Mt Community – Mental Health Center, and many more. photo attribution: nasa_goddard