The education facilities in Charlotte Hall, Maryland that are listed on this page offer the most up to date certified nurse aide programs that you can enroll in as of the making of this post. For more information about signing up for instruction, please call the number below.
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home
29449 Charlotte Hall Road, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
(301) 884-8171
Joining a nursing assistant training program in the state of Maryland is one of the best ways to enter the medical field. The current market is in need of an increase in health care personnel and this occupation can be a great way to gain experience in the health care field. These workers perform the basic nursing skills that are needed in taking care of a patient. In order for you to become a nurse aide in the state of Maryland, you will need to get your name on the Nurse Aide Registry. This Registry is a master list of all those who are licensed in the state who were able to comply with the Federal and State’s requirements and are allowed to work in a long-term care facility or hospital.
To become licensed to work, all you have to do is to finish CNA classes and pass the state’s license exam. You have to make sure that the training program that you enter is approved by the MD Board of Nursing. You can call to speak with one of their representatives to verify a program is eligible by calling 410-585-1990. Once you enroll in a state-certified training program it will take you less than 6 months to finish, depending on which program you will enroll in. To complete a program you must have at least 100 hours of training time. Instruction will include clinical skills practice, giving you the opportunity to gain experience performing the tasks needed on the job. Typically you will learn, CPR, First Aide, Heimlich Maneuver, how to transport patients, catheter care, toileting, housekeeping, dressing, bathing, checking vital signs, nourishment, safety procedures, infection control and range of motion exercises.
After you complete your training, the next step is to pass the license exams. These exams are composed of two parts, a written and a skills demonstration exam. You will need to pass both parts to be added to the registry. Once included there you are allowed to work for a period of 24 months before you must renew your license. CNA license holders from other states may also work in Maryland. If they wish to do so, they will have to apply for reciprocity. When they apply, they have to make sure that their license/s is still valid. Another important requirement when applying is being able to pass the Federal and State background checks for criminal records. You must not have records such as patient abuse or neglect to be able to work here.
This is a census-designated place that can be found in St. Mary’s County. According to the last census, their total population was around 1,214 residents. It has a population density of an estimate of 237.8/sq mile. Charlotte Hall has a total area of about 5.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care providers and centers that you can avail in the community include Heritage Healthcare, Walden Sierra Inc., Walden Behavioral Health Inc., Journeys Holistic Therapy Group LLC, Hallgren Douglas H DR, Kramer Mary Lou MD Facp, Neal Joyce MD, Chesapeake Potomac Regional Cancer Care, Eye Physicians of St Mary’s, Chesapeake Neurology and Spine of St Mary’s, Southern MD Child Care Resource Center, and St Mary’s Hospital Express Care.