The certified nurse aide programs being offered in Auburn, Indiana that are shown on this page offer the most up to date instructional courses that you can enroll in. To find out more about their facility, you can call the number below to talk with a program representative, or go to their address during working hours.
Betz Nursing Home
116 Betz Road,
Auburn, IN 46706
(260) 925-3814
The state of Indiana does not allow any individual to work as a nursing assistant if he or she does not have a state issued license. The only way for you to get a license is if your name is on the Nurse Aide Registry. To do so, you must be able to pass the state’s CNA exams but there are also several prerequisites that must be met before you can take the exams. Among them, the completion of a state-certified training program and passing the federal and state background checks are two of the most important. Those who enrolled in a nursing program but has gained enough nursing credits and number of clinical hours may also apply for the license exams. To schedule a date to take the exam you can contact Ivy Tech Community College by calling 317-917-5948.
If you received your training from a different state and were not able to take the exams, you must be cleared by the board first before you will be allowed to apply. You can call the Indiana State Department of Health Training Department at 317-233-7616 to get additional details about current state requirements. Nurse aide license holders from other states are welcome to work in the state. If they wish to do so, they must apply for reciprocity. The most important thing that they should have when applying is a valid license. Those who will be applying for reciprocity will also be required to pass both the federal and state background checks. You must have a good standing with your previous state and not have committed any felony. This also goes the same for those that come from another country.
Auburn is the county seat of DeKalb County. The community was founded back in 1836 by Wesley Park. The city is also known as “Home of the Classics”. You can find this city a few miles north from Fort Wayne. A major road that passes through the city is the Interstate 69. According to the latest census, their total population is approximately 13,086 people. It has a total area of 7.10 sq miles, and a population density of 1,816/sq mile.
Health care centers that are continuously serving this city are Northeastern Center Inpatient Services, DeKalb Memorial Home Health & Hospice, Neighborhood Health Clinics WIC, Family Practice Associates, RediMed, Dsi Quad Counties Dialysis, Faith Counseling Connection, Wesley Healthcare, and Northeastern Center – Auburn Outpatient Services. photo attribution: codnewsroom